Chapter 20

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Tsunade returned to her paper work when she realized the paperwork double in size. Also, as a plus, the pile fell and got mixed in with the finished pile.

"Dammit!" she growled. There was a knock on her door. "Come in.", the door opened revealing Shizune with even more paper work.

"No!" Tsunade groaned.

"Yes" was Shizune's simple reply.

"Tell me Shizune, why did I even agree to a stupid bet?" 

"You thought you could've won but, you couldn't." Shizune said making Tsunade groan. "Didn't you say this job isn't that bad?" she asked.

" But the paper works!" Tsunade pointed out laying her head on the desk. A white blur came in from the window.

"The GREAT and AWESOME Toad Sage is here!!" Jiraiya said standing in a heroic pose. 

"Shizune, leave us" Tsunade sighed and Jiraiya put up the privacy seals.

"I found out from my spy network- "You mean your group of perverts that read your stupid porn books?" Tsunade interrupted. "Hey! I resent that. Those books are works literature art and sometimes can be very informational" Jiraiya vindicated. Tsunade just sighed.

"Anyways, I found out that Orochimaru is currently in his base at Otogakure. Why do you need this information?" Jiraiya asked and Tsunade explained the whole situation to him. (Lazy and I don't feel like explaining the whole thing again :P)

"Where is he now?" Jiraiya asked.

"In the Uchiha compound" 

-Time Skip-

Jiraiya arrived at the house and noticed that Naruto's form was a bit duller than usual and some occasional flickers.

"Hey Ero-sennin" Naruto greeted.

"Hey gaki, how are you feeling?" Jiraiya asked.


"Wow, will you look at the time. I've got work to do see ya!" Jiraiya said dashing off.

"He left already?" Sasuke said appearing in the living room.

"Yeah, he's probably heading to the onsen" 

"Pervert" Sasuek muttered making Naruto laugh.

"I'm gonna go sleep, wake me in a few hours" Naruto said.


-With Naruto-

Naruto got in a meditative on the bed and started meditating. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in that dungeon getting tortured but this time he couldn't feel the pain. Akaru passed out and they were both pulled into the mindscape.

 "Tch, it's you, what do you want?" Akaru asked. At the same moment a brilliant idea enter his head.

"I have a proposition for you" 


Heyo back with another update. The reason why I don't update longer chapters like I used to is because the ideas I have will be written quicker, and then in the end, I run out of ideas and stop updating. So if any of you wondered that here you go. I mean I guess this a decent amount of words for a chapter. Right? Also I want to know, should I do any pairings? If I should just comment yes and who. Until next time, Ja Ne!


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