Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey Deathfantasy here. This chappy is dedicated to @walton2003  for being the first person to vote. Anyone like my new username?

-Third Person P.O.V-

"??? are you sure the perfect candidate is in that hotel?" ??? asked.

"Yes my lord"

"Then lets get going Kabuto"

"Yes Lord Orochimaru" Kabuto said as they dissapeared into the shadows.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Jiraiya I already said that I don't wan to become Hokage. Konoha holds to many painful memories there" Tsunade said as we ordered food at a resturant.

"I know, just let me have lunch with my fromer team mate will ya?". Tsunade nodded.

-Time Skip-

As we were paying Jiraiya asked the forbidden question:

"Tsunade come back to become to hokage please" Jiraiya pleaded and Tsunade groaned.

"How about a bet?" I asked.

"I'm Iistening" Tsunade said getting interested.

"You can come up with any bet. If I win, you come back to Konoha and become hokage. If I lose, we'll never ever bother you ever again" I said.

"Fine then lets do this outside and if you win I'll also give you my necklace" Tsunade said.

"But Tsunade-sama-"No. This is my choice" Tsunade said.


"Okay, if you can move me from this circle, I will come back with you to become hokage" she said when she finished drawing a circle around her with a kunai.

"Okay sounds easy" I said.

"Don't get so cocky gaki, no one and I mean NO ONE has been able to beat me. Jiraiya and Shizune, you guys will be the judge for this." Tsunade said earning a nod from both Jiraiya and Shizune.

"Ready?" Jiraiya asked.

"Hajime" Shizune said.

I made a clone without her noticing and made it henge into a pregnate women.

"Look Tsunade that pregnate women's water broke" I said and she scoffed.

"Gaki you think-"Ahhhhh I-I t-think m-my water broke" my clone said interupting 

"Damn it" Tsunade said as she turned around.

When she was distracted, I hit a point on her neck making her unconscious.

"I win. If you need me I will back at the hotel" I said and shnshinned away.

Then a few minutes after I returned to the hotel there was a knock on the door. I went to open it.

I looked out the door and realized who it was.

"What ar-" I said before a felt a sharp pain on my neck and darkness took over my vision.

-Time Skip-

-Jiraiya's P.O.V.-

I walked with Tsunade and Shizune back to the hotel because  gaki finally convinced well forced Tsunade to become Hokage.

As I got to Naruto's room I sensed a presence all too familiar and so did Tsunade because I saw her getting into a a fighting stance.

I searched Naruto's entire room but I couldn't find anything.

"Orochimaru" Tsunade said stating at name as if it was poison.

" I can still sense his presence so he wasn't gone long. We can still catch up with him and on top of that find one of his bases" I said and we left following the trail.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I opened my eyes to find myself  in a white hospital room feeling pain when I tried sitting up. I saw Jiraiya by my  bed with worried eyes. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were kidnapped by Orochimaru" he said.

"What?! Did he do anything to me?" I asked.

"No we arrived just in time, it looks like he wanted to experiment on you but he failed. You really be careful there are many people out there hunting you. People like the Akatsuki, Orichimaru, and Katsuro Urakura." Jiraiya explained 

"Katsuro Urakura?" I asked.

"He's a person who recently appeared. I don't know how but he managed to take away bijuu without killing its jinchuriki. He already obtained the Rokubi and Ichibi" Jiraiya explained.


A/N: Sorry. This was like one month later. Some of you might have noticed that I took down the Author's Note. Basically my friend (lets call her Hana) is a yaoi lover. She keeps nagging me to do a Sasunaru fanfic. I'm okay with them. I don't despise it but I don't love it either. Anywho I decided to make one but only if Hana does the lemon and all those things and she agreed. So the title is:

Forever Yours (Hana came up with the title)


  In modern day Konoha, a race of hybrids exist. These hybrids are used as pets and slaves to humans. Naruto is a rare nine tailed fox hybrid and gets bought by none other than Sasuke Uchiha. Will Sasuke ever realize that Naruto is more than a pet or will he keep thinking that Naruto is a being lower than him?  

So I might publish it today if I finish the first chappy. When it gets to lemon Hana takes over. So yeah.... Being forced to do a story. Actually we played a game with my other friends. The winner gets to give loser a dare and guess who lost? You got that right. This baka right here. *sigh*. Just be sure to look out for it if you like yaoi I guess? Again sorry for late update and a short one. Like I have ideas but they're later on in the story and i need to come up with something to build it up to that plot. *Sigh* A typical day for a writer like me. Well until next time. Byeeeeeeeee

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