Chapter 18

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-No One's P.O.V-

The creature had a snake like head with shark teeth, shark like body with no feet and a snake tail. After few tries, Team 7 concluded that it won't chase you to the surface.

"So............. How the hell are we suppose to capture it?" Sakura asked. Walked on the water waiting for the creature to come. This time the creature started going on land and chased after him. You can clearly see arms and legs.

"What the? Baa-chan never mentioned anything about arms and legs!" Naruto said. Team 7 watched Naruto get 'eatened' by the creature. Sasuke was the only one who seemed unfazed.

"Naruto-kun" Sakura said covering her mouth. The creature returned to the water.

"Hmmm. This is hard" Sakura heard someone said. When Sakura turned around she saw Naruto. "What how?" she asked.

"You think I was dumb enough to get myself killed? Then again I'm a spirit......." Naruto said getting lost in thought. " I got it!" Naruto exclaimed.

-Time Skip-

"Sasuke never move from this spot" Naruto said and he nodded. This time the actual Naruto walked into the lake. (Note that he's using water walking) The creature chased Naruto into the forest. Moments later a running Naruto appeared next to Sasuke. He couldn't stop himself int time and was gonna fall into the polluted lake when all of a sudden he stopped. "What the?" Naruto found himself levitating above the lake.


"-so Naruto came up with a plan and sealed the creature in this scroll. Also we found out Naruto can levitate" Kakashi finished.

"Levitate?" Tsunade asked. "I don't know" Naruto replied. "*sigh* I need to regain my chakra....... You guys have fun in the next mission" Naruto said and turning into a small yellow blob and went into Sasuke. Sasuke an increse of power for a second before fading away.

"So........ Team 7, your next mission is walking the Inuzuka clan's dogs" Tsunade said. "Have fun"

-Naruto's Mindscape-

Naruto opened his eyes finding himself chained in a dark cell. 'Where am I?' Naruto thought.

"Naruto-kun, I see you are awake" Naruto looked up to see.......


Hehehe. After continuous updates, I decided to leave y'all on a cliff hanger.  ☺  Who do you think it is? But, here are some memes to make y'all feel better. On second thought, because of some problems, updates might be slow again....... Well, until next time, Ja Ne! 

 Well, until next time, Ja Ne! 

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