Chapter 21

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A/N: Dedicated to @AnimeOtaku_Weeb  Why? Because I can! ^ ^


"So that's the plan?" Akaru asked and I nodded.

"How do you know I won't betray you?" he asked.

"Because you'll get nothing good out of following the snake" I replied. "Baa-Chan might send us on the mission in a few days so you bettered be prepared." I stated and he nodded. I reopened my eyes to Sasuke's guess room. I got up and stretched.

'Hmm..... what other powers can I have?' Naruto thought amused.

-Time Skip-

"Hey teme" Sasuke just mumbled dobe before continuing reading a book. (And no, it isn't Icha Icha Paradise)

"Notice anything different?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked up at the door.

"What the!?" Sasuke said startled dropping the book book on the floor with an audible bang. Naruto just laughed as he floated through the door.

"Hahaha I just scared and Uchiha; an Uchiha!" he snickered. "Dobe," the Uchiha growled. " You know what? I think I preferred the you that was cold." he said.

"~Be careful what you wish for~" Naruto teased before disappearing.


Team 7, without Sai, traveled along with Jiraiya to Kusagakure.

"How far is Kusa? We've been traveling for 2 hours." Sakura complained.

"Sakura its in another country so it might take awhile." Kakashi explained. After awhile, Naruto got lazy and was just levitating.

"How is that fair?" Sasuke complained. "Naruto, I just noticed, why is your hair white again?" Sasuke asked. (Naruto's hair in his spirit form is blonde)

"Hehe, ~Sasuke, be careful what you wish for~!" Naruto said in a creepy voice causing everyone to pale.

"Just kidding!" he said and his hair turned back into the bright blonde color it used to be.

"I'm bored..." Naruto said after a while. "Then why don't you join us down here like a normal person, Gaki?" Jiraiya asked.

"Then where's the fun in that?" Naruto grinned. "Are we there yet?" Sakura asked.

"Yep!" Jiraiya replied. "Finally!"

They were met by Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Akaru.

"Kukuku, I see you've come to retrieve Naruto-kun's body" Orochimaru said.

"Ewww please, just don't. Hearing a pedophile call you that is creepy!" Naruto said.

"Tch. Kuchiyose No Jutsu!" in a poof Manda appeared.

"Amaterasu!" Sasuke said setting Manda ablaze.

"Orochimaru you owe me for thissss!" Manda hissed before returning to the summong world.

"Get them Akaru!" Orochimaru ordered. Akaru pulled a sword from its sheath. What he did next was the most surprising. He turned and........


:P Cliff hanger for you, cliff hanger for you and cliff hanger for everybody!!!! Sorry for not updating yesterday :( But here is today's new chappy!!! Hehe anyone know what Akaru did? If you can guess it I'll give you all free cookies and ice cream!!! Well, until next time, Ja Ne!

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