Chapter 6

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A/N: Halo, Zaneite here with a new update. Are you happy? Sorry for the long wait.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I layed down and closed my eyes. Then my memories flashed before me again.

- Naruto age 10-
"Naruto,  why did you vandalize the Hokage monument?  There are great figures. If they inspire you so much why do you still do it?" Iruka asked.

"Because I'm going to surpass them one day  and my face is going to be on it." I screamed.

"As your punishment, you will have to stay after school to clean it" Iruka asked.

"But today is " No excuses, I don't care if today is your birthday" Iruka said.

After cleaning for half an hour, I didn't notice Iruka had already left. After a full hour of cleaning I was done.

"Iruka sensei I'm done" I yelled happily but, I saw that he wasn't there anymore. My eyes widen as I noticed that it was dark already. 

"Hey boy, we stumbled on a lucky prize today" a shinobi said.

Then group of shinobi dragged me to an abondoned training ground right through the middle of town. Soon, there was a large mob of villagers. The villagers tied me up. They started to punch and kick me. Then they cut me with kunais and poured alcohol on my cuts. I screamed in agony. It was no suprise that me screaming gave them entertainment. 

"Oh I have an idea" a pinked haired women said.

She left and came back with oil and poured it over my body. 

"Fire Release : Flaming Sphere Technique" a shinobi said aiming at me. 

Soon my whole body was ignited . I screamed in pain and soon blacked out. That whole incident caused me to be immobilized at the hospital for an entire week.

-Naruto age 11 (1 week before the 12th birthday incident)-

I was walking home at night recieving another detention from Iruka. A guy grabbed me and dragged me away. I kept thrashing and struggling but couldn't get out of the man's grip. He tied me up to a wooden post. Villagers got on line to torture me holding different torturing wepons. 

"For the finale, we will be bidding the demon off. Once you buy him you get to torture him which ever way you want. You can even rape and abuse the demon. Don't need to feel guilty. Think about the family members that were killed by the demon. So lets start the bidding" the man announced.

I was sold to a jounin shinobi. He smiled evily when he brought me home. He hanged me up in his dungeon. For a week he abused, tortured and even raped on one night. He whipped me and used me as a training dummy testing new techniques on me. Then finally on my birthday he released me at night for the fox hunt. They chased me until they finally caught me, chained me to a chair and blind folded me.

Then the memories faded as I felt warmth and lost I conciuosness.

-No One's P.O.V-

Inari and Tsunami told team 7 and Etsuko *cough* Kurama *cough*  about the genjutsu. 

Naruto finally let Kurama in subconsciously. She saw her Kit tense up and panicking as he slept. Kurama turned into her chibi form. She curled next to Naruto like a dog (sorry but I'm not gonna do Kurama x Naruto. But there's a chance) using her tails to pat Naruto like a motherly figure. She felt her kit relax. She laid down and closed her eyes.

-The Next Day-

"Naruto-kun~ are you here, I'm really sorry about what I said" Sakura said apologetically as she knocked on the door.

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