Author's Note

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So I know that I said I'll post the new story after I finished this one but I noticed that it was Naruto's B-day so I decided to post it. :) Please go to my profile page and check it out if your interested.

Title: Save Me......

Description: In order to not get sealed again, at the final moment, Kaguya sent everyone in the elemental nations to an alternate universe 15 years back in time. Now everyone lives in a modern version of their home. That's not a bad thing, right? Wrong. Everyone lost their memories and people who died were brought back also. There's also no such thing as chakra. Chakra went deep inside their bodies staying dormant. As a plus, the Biju became the jinchuriki's siblings. Now, 14 years later, Naruto is suffering from a disease Kaguya gave him and only a year to live. Will there memories return and Naruto and Sasuke seal Kaguya away? Or will Naruto die and Kaguya will forever be free.



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