Chapter 3

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-No One's P.O.V-

A villager was running as fast as his legs can carry him with someone tailing behind him.

He ran into a dead end.

"Please d-don't k-kill m-me" the villager plead.

The masked figure's red eyes stared at the villager and he pulled out a sword.

"Fine, I won't kill you, I'll leave you alive to tell the others what happens when you mess with the demon" the masked figure said and in a red flash ( it looks something like the reverse flash's flash if anyone know what I'm talking about), the sword impaled the villager.

-Hiruzen's P.O.V-


"Come in" I said as Team 7 and a boy with white hair walked in.

"Um, excuse me but, who are you?" I asked the boy.

"Jiji I'm so hurt that you don't remember me" the boy said sarcastically.

The only person who calls me Jiji is Naruto but he doesn't look like him. Hmmm.....

"By any chance are you Naruto?" I asked.

" Yes he is" Kakashi answered.

"Oh my boy what happened to you?" I said as I hugged Naruto causing him to stiffen.

"What's happening? Is there any thing wrong" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing  is wrong" he said.

"Then what happened to your outfit and hair?" I asked.

"I'm trying new look" was all he said.

"The mission" Kakashi said.

"Oh right, the mission" I said handing them a D-rank mission to capture the Demon cat Tora. -

Naruto's P.O.V-

-2 weeks later and 10 missions of capturing Tora later-

'Why do you keep running away' I asked Tora as I carried her to the Hokage tower with my team besides me.

'I want to go back to my family but this seal prevents me from unsummoning my self. I really miss home' Tora replied.

'I'll see what I can do about it' I replied.

I walked to the corner of the room and watched as Tora was squeezed to death.

"That isn't how you treat a summon ya know" I said making everyon confused.

"You can leave now" I said talking to Tora.

She meowed and then dissapeared.

"Tora, my baby!" Shijimi wailed.

"If she was your baby, you would've treated her better" I said.

"I did! I gave her everything" Shijimi said.

"Tch, if you did you wouldn't have squeezed her to death. If she wasn't  a summon she would've died long ago" I said rolling my eyes.


Then Tora 😺 appeared rubbing against Shijimi's leg.

"Oh please, maybe be YOU should have more respect. Every time YOU lose Tora WE leaf shinobi get it back for you. You should also respect Tora cause when she left she didn't  have to come back here to you getting squeezed the life out of her every day" I said leaving Shijimi speechless and storming out the door.

"Naruto" Iruka said scolding at me but I just closed my eyes not listening to his speech.

"Jiji, can we get a C-rank mission  cause we're qualified since we did at least 40 D-ranked mission" I said and closed my eyes again.

" I suppose" the Hokage said taking a file out and it handing to Kakashi.

"Yes!" Sakura yelled.

"It is an escorting mission" Kakashi said.

"Who are we escorting? A princess? A feudal lord?" Sakura said excitedly.

"Why are so excited?" Sasuke asked.

" Well Sasuke-kun~, I grew tired of the chore missions because we already work well together as a team" Sakura replied.

"Bring in Tazuna" the Hokage said and a drunken man came in.

"These brats are going to protect me? At least the white haired one looks more better" Tazuna said.

"Why thank you" Kakashi said.

"I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the kid. You're the worst out of all of them. Why they hell do you wear a mask? It's fricken 70*F outside. And why the hell are you covering your eye? What are you a cyclopes?" Tazuna said making Kakashi frown and me smirking.

"Why are you smirking. Don't think you're all that good your self. What are you? A emo? Wearing black and acting all cool. Why did you dye your hair white?" Tazuna said making me glare at him and throw a kunai missing him barely.

"Just so you know, I didn't dye it white, it turned white. If you don't shut up half way through the mission, I'll just kill you and say that you were killed by rouge ninjas" I said coldly.

"Naruto, what do you mean, you didn't dye you're hair white" the Hokage asked.

"Why do you care" I said.

"What do you mean, Naruto, I always cared" the Hokage said.

"Tch, if you cared, I wouldn't be in the hospital every time in my birthday" I said.

"Naruto I...."Don't even. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going home packing at meeting you guys at the gate" I said and dissapeared in a swirl of dark chakra.

-No One's P.O.V-

"W-What's wrong with Naruto-kun~" Sakura asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I should've been there for him" the Hokage said with tears rolling dow his face.

"Me too. I should've been there too" Kakashi and Iruka  said also crying. Then everyone started crying besides Sakura.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing, we meet at the gates in 5 minutes" Kakashi said and shunshined Tazuna and himself out of the office.

-At The Gates-

"Kakashi-sensei why is Naruto-kun~ taking so long" Sakura asked.

"What do you mean, I was here before all of you" Naruto said from on top of the gates.

"Naruto get down from the gate so we can start our mission" Kakashi said.

Then Naruto appeared next to them.

"Then lets go" Naruto said and he started walking.

"Hey Em..." Naruto turned around glaring at Tazuna"Erm, I mean Kid, what up" Tazuna said but Naruto continued walking.


A/N: I did it! Chapter 3 is here. Thank you all for voting on this story. If you haven't already, please vote. Please support my other story, The Forgotten Child. Go to my account and you'll find it. Please read and vote for that story. Please vote, 300 of you read and only 30 of you vote. Please vote! I am very sad right now. I have more reads and comments then votes. PLEASE!

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