Chapter 9

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Well *clears throat* this goes back 12 years ago to the nine tails attack. That day the yondaime didn't kill the Kyuubi. You can't kill a being made out of chakra but, you can seal it. He sealed it into you" Jiraiya said.

"Why, why would he do that. Why me" I *cough* cried *cough*.

'And...... what does that have to do with Kurama' I thought.

Kit, it has everything to do with me. I'm famous! Kurama said.

Yeah you're famous but for the wrong reasons Nee-chan Saiken said.

Shukaku just laughed.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"He did it cause he thought his son would become a hero and he couldn't bear to take a baby away from another family" Jiraiya said.

"why would he.....wait? SON?! You knew the WHOLE time that he was my Tou-san and didn't tell me?" I said acting suprised and stormed off.

"Naruto wait!" Jiraiya said chasing after me.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on, I wanted you to come with me so we can bond" Jiraiya said.

"What bonding time?" I asked coldly.

"Well, I could teach you a jutsu that only your Tou-san and I know" Jiraiya said.

"Oh you mean this" I said forming the rasengan.

"What?! How...." Jiraiya said.

"That man isn't my Tou-san and it's none of your business" I said coldly.

"Heh. They don't care about you. No one does so give up" a voice rang through my head.

I winced silently in pain but the worthless godfather of mine didn't notice.

"See he didn't even notice" the voice laughed.

'shut up' I thought angrily and cleanched my fists.

"Fine, I'll let you go........for now" the voice said laughing. The voice lasted for a few seconds before fading away.


We entered a gambling shop and there she was. Sitting down with sake and gambling. Jiraiya walked up to her and pulled her out. A girl with black hair holding a pig followed.

"Jiraiya what do you want" Tsunade said.

"I want you to return to Konoha. Old man said he is retiring and he wants you to take his place" Jiraiya said.

"No thank you, I don't ever want to return there" Tsunade said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Jiraiya, who's that gaki" Tsunade asked.

"That would be Naruto, Minato's son" Jiriaya said.

"But they look nothing alike. This gaki has white hair at such a young age. Why did you dye your hair gaki" Tsunade said.

"Number 1, I didn't dye my hair, it became like this naturally. Number 2, it is not for you to know what happened" I said coldly.

"Why so cold gaki?" Tsunade said.

" Why so old baa-chan" I said.

A tick mark appeared on her forehead.

"WHY YOU "I can tell that you're using chakra to mask you age. Your what 50ish? And you're still pretending to be a 30 year old." I said interupting her.

Tsunade stormed off.

"Lady Tsunade wait" the girl said following her. 

I walked off in the other direction.

"Naruto wait-" Jiraita said chasing after me.

As I turned the coner of the street, I saw Itachi and Kisame. I henged into a young man in his late 20s with blue hair. (image below)

 I started to walk down the street

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 I started to walk down the street.

"Wait" Itachi said as I passed them.

"Yes?" I said turning around with a smile on my face.

"Have you seen this boy?" he asked showing me picture of... well me.

"Yeah, I saw him as I turned the corner. He was with another man headed to a food stand" I said.

"Thank you so much" Itachi said and I started walking again.

"Wait" he said.

"what is it I can do for you" I said without turning around.

"would you kindly drop the henge?" he asked.

"I should've known I can't trick you Itachi" I said turning around dropping the henge.

"So, how did you know?" I asked.

"Cause you used this henge once" he said.

"Well, what do you want from me?" I asked.

"I don't want anything from you, I want what is inside you" he said.

"Well... about that. I honestly don't feel like dying yet but, I can have a chat with you" I said.

"You know, when your little brother find out the truth how would he react? Hmm?" I asked.

"I.... wait a second your stalli..."Well sorry but I don't have time. Since you guys are here, I'm, leaving" I said looking at an imaginary watch on my wrist.

"See ya" I said shunshinning away.

I appeared behind Jiraiya and tapped him. He jumped suprised.

"Naruto, what just happ- "let's go. I found an inn on the way here and Itachi  and Kisame will be looking for me" I said.

"wait up. Hold on. You owe me a whole lot of explanations. If you know about the Akatsuki then do you know about Katsuro Urakura" he asked as we entered the inn.

"Two rooms please" I said. I handed the money and the inn keeper handed me two keys.

"I owe you no explanations what so ever" I said handing him a key.

"If you need me, I'll be in the room next door" I said.

I walked into the room and imediately put up seals.


A/N: Here ya go. Short chappy cause i'm lazy. :D   Happy April Fools Day!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywho, I'll might not update this entire month because of state tests. Gomen! I'll try tho. Until Next Time Ja Ne. :D

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