Chapter 7

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

I hummed as I skipped through town. I bumped into someone holding a suite case and we both fell. The suite case opened, senbons fell out. 

"Watch it kid" the man yelled and my team rushed to my side. I cursed uder my breath.

"Naruto are you okay?" Kakashi asked.

I looked at the man. It was Nao. He saw me and gapsed but I shook my head. He nodded understanding.

"so sorry I wasn't looking were I was walking" Nao said bowing down.

"No, No, its my fault. Gomenasai" I said sheepishly.

When Kakashi saw the wepons on he took his kunai out.

"Who are you? A ninja? A missing ninja? Were did you get all that senbon?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm just a mere miscellaneous store owner. I sell wepons, clothes, and many other things" Nao said.

"Sorry that my student bumped into you. Your name is?" Kakashi said as he helped pick up the senbons.

"Becareful they're posionous" Nao said. At the same moment Kakashi pricked himself.

"They're WHAT?!" Kakashi said as he turned pale.

"D-Do y-you have t-the a-antidote" Kakashi asked as he started shaking.

"Unfortunately, my client has it" Nao said.

"Troublesome" I muttered as took out a syringe with green liquid in it and injected it into Kakashi.

I put all the senbons into the suite case. I grabbed it and paid Nao 100 ryo.

"Naruto why do you have the antidote?" Kakashi asked.

"'Cuz I'm the client" I said as I sealed the suite case in a scroll.


A small red fox appeared with two tails.

"Hey Reiko, can you bring this back to my apatment" I asked the fox.

"Sure. Is you know who-sama doing okay? We miss her" Reiko asked.

"Yeah she's fine. I'll find a day to go to Shinkyo okay?" I said. Reiko nodded.

She held the scroll in her mouth and dissapeared. My team stared at me in awe.

"Bye Nao" I waved and started walking to the bridge.

-At The Bridge-

"Hey Tazuna, need any help?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Turns out a lot of people quit while I was gone" Tazuna said.


100 clone appeared.

"I need you all help Tazuna with the bridge" I said.

"What's wrong with boss today?" a clone whispered.

"I don't know" another clone whispered back.

I cleared my throat.

"As I said start helping him" I said and the clones started working.

"I guess we won't be needed" Kakashi said. I turned around to see Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Naruto I think there is something wrong with you" Sakura said walking up.

"There is?" I asked.

-A Day Later at night-

"Hokage-sama, we have returned from the mission. Turns out it was a C-rank turned A-rank" Kakashi said.

"What?! If it was like that why didn't you return?" the Hokage asked.

"Umm.. Actually we didn't see them. Naruto went ahead and us that he faced the Demon Brothers and Zabuza Momochi" Kakashi said.

"WHAT?! Naruto that is very irrespon"123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129. Damn it. Must've missed one senbon on the floor"Are you even listening?!" the Hokage yelled irritated.

"Hm what?" I asked looking up. I swore I ordered 130 senbons. 

The Hokage took a deep breath.

"You know it was very irresponsible going ahead of your team. You could've died." the Hokage said.

"could've, but I didn't" I said.

"Oh yeah a women with red hair also showed up. Her name was Etsuko. She seemed to have cared for Naruto a lot but left" Kakashi said. Then he walked up to the hokage and whispered something into his ears. His eyes widen.

-No One's P.O.V-

"Everyone dismiss except for Naruto and Kakahsi" the hokage said.

"Naruto-kun~, I'll be waiting for you outside" Sakura said with a small blush and left.

"Get Inoichi" the Hokage said to the nearest ANBU.

"Naruto I've been  hearing that you have personality changes. I'll have Inoichi to look through your head to see what's wrong okay?" the Hokage said.

"No can do old man" Naruto said.

"Why's that" the Hokage said and Inoichi came in.

I flashed a evil smile.

"'Cuz I'm not even here. I wasn't even on the mission" Naruto said and dissapeared in a poof.

"WHAT?! A shadow clone? Kakashi how did you not know that one of your students was a shadow clone?" the Hokage said frantically.

"ANBU sent out squad 6 and 4 to find Naruto" the Hokage said.

-Some Where Near Sunagakure-

"Hm that's what you did" a masked figure said. He wore a kitsune mask. His white hair moving freely with the wind showing a deadly rinnegan through the eye holes.

"My lord what's wrong" a person by his side said.

"Nothing Haku Nothing. Everything is perfectly fine" the masked figure said.

"My lord I did a perimeter check. It's safe to camp here for the night" another person said showing up via shunshin. He had white pupiless eyes with a mask covering his mouth and nose.

"Thank You Meizu. Set up for camp. I'll put up seals just to be sure" the masked person said.

He walked a few feet away from camp and went through a series of hand signs. Soon a barrier appeared around them and he headed back.


A/N: Here you go! What did you think with the plot twist? The picture of the mask is what the masked person's mask looks like(AKA: Naruto's mask) except the blue is a really dark red.  Please vot and comment. I want at least 100 votes for each actual chapter if you want the next chapter 'Kay? See you next time. Ja Ne!

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