Kakashi 101

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A/N: So, this is basically a chapter all about excuses that Kakashi makes.

" God, what the hell is taking Kakashi so long?" Sasuke asked clearly getting annoyed. You see, Team 7 have been waiting at Training Ground 7 for 5 WHOLE hours!!!!

"Hello, my cute little gēnin!" Kakashi said appearing in a poof of smoke earning a glare from Naruto. "-And Chunin".  "Kakashi give us a reason why we shouldn't murder you." Naruto said darkly. 

"W-Well, you see, when I exited my house, this weird black hole thing sucked me in. I landed in this weird place called Central City, I saw this weird guy in a red suit flash pass me. Then I thought it might've been Minato-sensei, so I tracked him for 3 hours. I finally found him at this weird place call STAR Labs, turns it wasn't sensei. It was this weird looking guy called Barry- What was his last name again? Hale? Halen? Helen? Aken? Oh! Allen, Barry Allen. I was disappointed and I left. Then I realized that I don't know how to get back, so I summoned Pakkun and told him to reverse summon me at the summoning world. When I got there I found out there was a new pack of dogs. They were so cute, so I played with them for 2 hours before I then came here." Kakashi said causing them to sweatdrop. "Oh, and about today, you guys have a day off." Kakashi finished. 

The moment he finished, Sasuke had his EMS activated and was powering up a chidori, Sakura had already enhanced her fists with chakra, and what scared Kakashi the most, was the fact that Naruto was no where to be seen.

"H-Hey now, you wouldn't hurt poor ol'me." Kakashi said taking a step back. At that moment, he feared for his life.


"Hello!" Kakashi said with an eye closed smile appearing in front of his team. "Late again! And this time you told us to come here at 3 AM, only for YOU to come 7 HOURS LATER!!!!!" Sakura growled. You can clearly see the lack of sleep had affected them. Sakura for one was extremely grumpy, Sasuke could be seen trying to keep his eyes open, and Naruto's form was flickering. Even though the lack of sleep took different tolls of them, they all shared the same expression: Hatred.

"Okay so, when I left the house, I was met up by Gai, he challenged me to another one of his 'youthful' contests. Me being a nice guy and all, couldn't simply refuse. The contests lasted until 7. Then when I finally headed here, a black cat blocked my path, so I took the long way around simply because I don't want bad luck. I was half was here until I saw the black cat again. So I went back around and took the short path again. Then I saw the black cat again! I had enough of this and found out it was just Tora and face palmed. After realizing that, I continued my trek here." Kakashi explained earning glare. "*sigh* Lets get this C-ranked mission over so we can go back to sleep." Naruto said.

"Oh... About that...... Since we couldn't make it to the the Hokage tower at 6, Tsunade-sama, gave the mission to Team 10 instead. So.... you guys have the day off!" Now Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura wanted to kill him. Keyword, wanted. Halfway through making a attack to hit Kakashi with, they collapsed due to lack of sleep.

'phew ' Kakashi thought. They didn't know but Kakashi was actually afraid of them.


"What is it this time?" Naruto asked getting annoyed of his sensei's tardiness.

"Well you see, when I exited the door, I got transported to this weird place where I was the Rokudaime Hokage, the moon was going to kill us, and somehow the Kyuubi was on the the moon. I swear it was so weird until, I realize that it was actually a weird illusion dream thingy Turns out when I exited the house, my neighbor accidentally dropped a pot of flowers on my head. I was unconscious for 3 hours until I finally woke up." Kakashi said. "Now about the mission....-" " Please don't tell us that the mission got canceled and we have a day off!" Sakura begged. 

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