Chapter 13

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A/N: Gomen but I'm gonna skip the the first 2 parts of the chunin exams including the preliminaries  because I got this idea and if I do them, it's going to be rushed. Everything is same as canon except during preliminaries Naruto beats Kiba faster and without injuries. Sasuke still ends up getting the curse mark. Btw, Orochimaru did give Naruto the curse mark when he kidnapped him at the hotel. This is time skipped to Naruto's and Neji's match.


-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Would all the other participants proceed to the stands." Genma Shiranui. "Hajime" Genma said after everyone left the field. Neji smirked.

"Naruto Uzumaki your fate is to lose to me today" Neji said. I started laughing. "Who the hell gives a dam about fate?" I said and jumped back away from Neji.

"It's destiny Uzumaki, like how I became a servant to the main branch. You know Uzumaki, your technically still the dead last,  even though you scored one of the highest scores for the academy test." Neji said.

"Shut up" I said.

"What's wrong Uzumaki, mad? I think you should give up. Your weak compared to me" Neji said and I groaned.

"Not that Hyuga. Are you that stupid? We'r- You know what I give up. Fūton: Shinkūha" I said. It missed Neji barely. 

"So you are mad?" Neji said. Audible face palms along with mine were heard. 

"OH MY F*ING GOD. ARE YOU THAT STUPID?!?! WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH!!!!" I said getting frustrated. "Kage bushin no jutsu" I said and 5 clones came into existence. One henged into a beach chair, another into a beach umbrealla, one into sunglasses and another into a cup. I used a suiton just filling the cup with cold water. I got into a relaxing.  position. The last clone was left to guard.

"Take your time. Just tell me when you're done" I said and closed my eyes. Neji growled and charged at me witha gentle fist. I dodged it and he successfully destroyed my clones.

I made 20 more clones. 

"Uzumaki stop toying with me. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation" Neji said. The clones puffed away. "You are within the area of my 8 trigrams. Gentle First Art: 8 Trigrams 64 Palms. 2 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms, 64 palms!" I went flying backwards. "Give up. I've closed all your chakra pathways. You won't be able to move" Neji said. I started laughing darkly.

"I guess I underestimated you" I said. The red cloak of Kurama's chakra engulfed me before disappearing and I got up. 

"W-What how?!?" Neji said. I got in front of Neji and punched him enhanced with Kurama's chakra and it sent him flying back. His forehead protector flew off as he land on the ground. I touched his forehead destroying the seal.

"W-why" Neji managed to cough out. "Because you proved to be a worthy opponent but it'll be years before you can defeat me" I said and shunshined to the stands. 

"Eto... The winner is Naruto Uzumaki.


A/N: Sasuke won against Gaara. Temari won against Shino. Naruto won against Sasuke. So.... Naruto basic won the Chunin exams, Orochimaru never invaded. Sasuke WILL go seek Orochimaru. Hehe, you'll find out soon. Anyways, I wanted to thank  @Minnowkit @Yesterday_T_Tomorrow @Yuto_Nagito @NekoRedAngel @Unlink089 @horsegrrrl @speedly951 @icespade @mamoruosamushigeru  and @rinnereon93 for giving me advice and complementing me. You know, I was so happy when you all told me that my story is great and other things to keep me going. Thank you all very much. And forgive me if I misspelled your usernames. 

Until Next Time, Ja Ne!!

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Until Next Time, Ja Ne!!


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