Chapter 1

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{Editted, help from Forbidden_Twinkle}

-Naruto's P.O.V-

'Please Help

Please Make This Stop


I thought on the floor tied up and blind folded. 

'Someone help...' I thought.

I'll Help You a voice said.

All of a sudden I felt an immense power. I broke the ropes took off the blind fold and ran.

"The Demon is escaping get him!" a loud female voice said.

I ran down the street and turned into an alley way. Right into a dead end.

"We've got him cornered" a man said.

They started punching and kicking me. Then someone took a kunai and gave me three scars on each side of my cheek.

"Please stop" I cried.

"NO! Did you stop when I told you to not kill my 2 year old son and my wife? No! So we're not going to stop either" a man in the back said.

The villagers cleared a path for him. He was holding a sword. I tried to get up but the pain was too immense.

He raised the sword and impaled me through my chest. Blood was coming out of my mouth. He took the sword out making me groan.

'Good-bye world. Good-bye Iruka-sensei. Good-bye Jiji. It's ironic how you guys are older than me but I die first.' I thought. I smiled as I felt my consciousness slip away.




I slowly opened my eyes. 

"What happened" I said as I got up. I was in a sewer.

"I guess it time for plan B" I said 

Come closer the same voice who helped me before said.

I walked in front of a cage with a giant orange fox with nine tails in it.

The fox lifted his paw and brought it over my head with force.

'He's going to kill me' I thought closing my eyes and waited but nothing came.

Why aren't you afraid? the nine tails asked.

"I wanted to die anyways, so I actually don't care" I replied.

He glared at me with that look.

"Kyuubi, d-do you hate me?" I asked.

No I don't. It's the villagers who hate you Kit and my name is Kurama Kurama said.

"Why?" I asked.

Let me tell a tale. We tailed beasts are called Bijuu. When we're sealed into humans, they're called jinchurikis. 12 years ago, I was sealed in your mother, Kushina Uzumaki. The seal weakens when female jinchurikis are giving birth. During that time, a man in a orange masked extracted me from your mother and forced me to attack the village. It was your father, the yodaime Hokage Minato Namikaze who fought back. They were about to seal me into you when the man forced me to kill your parents. After I impaled them, they continue sealing me into you using the Dead Demon seal splitting my chakra into Ying and yang  sealing the yang part into you. Because I killed the villagers friends and family, they took the anger out on you seeing you as me" Kurama said.

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