Chapter 4

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

   As we were walking, I used senbons coated with poison to draw a seal.  

"Hey kid, where's your stuff" Tazuna asked.

I pointed to my shoulder.

"So...... did you bring anything?" he asked.

"I did" was all I said.

"Then where is it" he asked.

"I sealed all my stuff and you better shut that noisy mouth of your" I said.

"Naruto is there anything you want to talk about and what are you doing with that poison senbon" Kakashi said.

"There isn't anything to talk about especially to you and why do you care anyways" I replied.

My team was amazed as they watch me drop a pouch full of poisoned senbons on my arm and dissapeared.

"Whoa Kid how did you do that" Tazuna said.

"What did I say?" I glared at him. I threw one of the senbons at him missing him barely he gulped.

"Naruto-kun~ don't do that I don't want you to get in trouble" Sakura said. 

" Tch" I said and started walking faster until my team couldn't see me.

Then I noticed a puddle in the middle of the road. It hadn't rained of days.

I walked up to it and dropped a few poisoned senbons in it. Then two people came out. One of them was weezing badly. 

"What the hell did you do with my Nii-san" the one who wasn't weezing said.

"Ah, the Demon Brothers. I poisoned both of you. If you don't tell me why you're after Tazuna, I won't give you the antidote" I said.

Then the he started clutching his chest and he than collapsed.

" Tell me" I said.

" Never" the older brother said. Then his eyes became lifeless.

" No" he said. "Come back to me" he said crying.

"Fine *sniff* Gato hired us to kill Tazuna but I don't know why" he said. I then gave him the antidote. 

"Know leave" I said and he dissapeared.

I sealed his brother in a scroll and continued walking. Then I came across water seperating the mainland from the wave country.

I channeled chakre through my feet and walked across. When I reached land, a saw a man with a giant sword facing the other way.

"I've been waiting for you Tazuna. I'm Zabuza Momochi one of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Fear me" he said.

"First of all, you're facing the wrong way and second of all, Tazuna isn't here" I said.

He turned around around.  My eyes turned red and he collapsed.

"What's happening?  Why can't I move" Zabuza said.

" You're caught in my genjutsu" I said and charged at him with my Katana. Before I could hit him, a senbon flew into his neck.  His eyes rolled back and he fell.

I continued to rush at him. The katana reached him and blood leaked out of the corner of mouth. I sealed him in a scroll and all of a sudden a female tracker nin appeared.

" I have been tracking Zabuza for a long time, please hand him over" she said.

I made a clone of Zabuza.  She picked him up and was about shunshin away when he poof away.

" You're a fake. Tracker nins are suppose to get rid of the body at the scene.  Also you can't possibly be a tracker nin if you didn't know that was a bunshin" I said.  Before the I could say anything else she shunshined.

Then I was I felt a presence charging at me. I step sided and saw Sakura on the floor twitching.

"Naruto, where have you been and how did you get across" Kakashi said walking toward me with Tazuna and Sasuke trailing behind him.

"I'll answer your questions but first, Tazuna, why the hell are the Demon Brother and Zabuza Momochi after you" I said.

"What?! Naruto you fought them all by yourself and didn't die?" Kakashi said but I ignored him.

"Well, that the Land of Waves had been taken over by a shipping magnate called Gato , who had effectively bankrupted all the people of the country, and that the only way to revitalise the economy was by building a bridge to the mainland that could render moot Gatō's shipping monopoly. However, Gatō did not want that to happen, and used shinobi gangs to assert his control. We're so poor that our town only had enough money for a c-rank mission. Please continue the mission" Tazuna said/pleaded.

-Kakashi's P.O.V-

"Although this was a c turned a-ranked mission we'll continue since we can't go back" Kakashi said and we started walking. I completely forgot what I was going to ask Naruto. When we got there, Inari Tazuna's grandson kept saying that we'll die.


While we all ate Naruto was working with his senbons again.

"Yum, Tsunami, this is amazing!" Sakura said.

"Hn" Sasuke said.

"Inari its dinner time" Tsunami called out.

"Naruto stop what you're working on" Tazuna said but he ignored him.

Inari walked slowly down the staircase.

"Why do you guys try anyways. You'll die. You don't know what true pain is" Inari said. Both Naruto and Sasuke looked up one from his work and the other from his food.

"You go first" Naruto said and returned to his work.

"What you finally realized that you don't know what true pain is" Inari said.

"You're not even close. Think about this, at the age of 6, your brother murders your entire family leaving only you alive. That is real pain. You don't even know the beginning of it" Sasuke said and Inari started tearing up.

"But still that isn't that painful" Inari shouted.

"Just shut up" Naruto said looking at Inari. Naruto's eyes turned red, Inari's did the same and he fainted.

Tsunami ran to her son.

"What did you do you... you monster" Tsunami cried and I hissed.

"Thanks... for the compliment" Naruto said. His eyes turned red and Tsunami fainted also. 

He got up and headed out the door.

"Naruto,where are you headed" I said.

"A place where I can work on peace without ignorant people" he said.

"What about dinner" I asked.

"I'm not hungry" he said and closed the door.

Both Inari and Tsunami groaned and got up.

"Are you guy okay?" I asked.

"Yeah were fine" Tsunami answered.

"Where did Naruto go" Inari asked.

"He left why?" I asked.

"We wanted to say sorry" Tsunami said.

"What did he show you" I asked curiously. 

"Something" Inari said. They got up and went back to the dinner table.

During the rest of the time, the mood was heavy and no one said anything.


A/N: What did you guys think?Was it good? Bad? Please vote and comment. Just so you guys know I update this once a week. Until next time. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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