Chapter 12

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

As I turned the corner, I saw a guy in a neko sweatshirt holding Konohamaru by the neck of his scarf. Moegi and Udon were trying hard to get him back.

"Put him down" I said get his attention. "Hey Konohamru, long time no see" I said. It's been so long since I last saw him.


"Class dismiss" Iruka-sensei said.

I quickly got up and tried to run out the door but was held back by Iruka-sensei.

"Hehe, hey Iruka-sensei" I said nervously.

"Naruto this is the second time you failed the genin exams. I don't know what to do for you" Iruka sensei said shaking his head.

"Well, you can always pass me... OOOO! Or.... you can always let me try your hitai-ite" I said with a big smile.

"Baka!!" Iruka-sensei said while smacking me on my head.

"Ita Ita" I said while rubbing my head. "Anyways, I got to go! See you next semester!" I said.

-Time Skip-

When I went outside, I saw kids being praised by the parents. I scoffed and slowly walked home. As I turned the corner I was bumped into a kid with long blue scarf.

"Hide me" he said and went behind me. Soon a man wearing a bandanna covering his head and wearing sunglasses.

"Have you seen a gaki this short with a really long blue scarf?" he asked frantically.

"Yeah he went that way" I said pointing in the opposite direction and he left.

"Phew, thanks boss!!" the kid said.

"Boss?" I asked.

"Yep! You saved me so now your my boss!" he said.

"Fine, but what's your name? I'm Naruto Uzumaki" I asked.

"I'm Konohamaru Sarutobi" he said as we shook hands. "I know my name sucks. Jiji named me after the village, but everyone just calls me the Hokage's grandson. I only want to get acknowledged by my own name. Not by the 'Hokage's grandson'" Konohamaru said getting down.

"Then were the same" I said getting his attention. "I also want to get acknowledeged, so I dream of becoming the Hokage!! Dattebayo!" I said grinning.

"Then we're rivals!" Konohamaru said.

"Hai!" and we shook hands.

-End Flashback-

"Boss, help me!" Konohamru said. I sighed.

"Baka, you do realize that, that is the Hokage's grandson? By doing that you're gonna cause a war between our villages?" I asked. He immediately released Konohamaru who ran behind me along with Moegi and Udon.  

" Hey Gaara" I said looking up at the tree.

"I-It's you!" he said. " Kankuro-nii we should go. I don't want you to get in trouble" Gaara said.

"k" Kankuro said and they dissapeared.

-No One's P.O.V-

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura met up in front of the academy.

"So we're all here?" Sakura asked. (Thanks for stating the obvious)

"Let's go" Naruto said and they walked in.

When they got to the second floor, they saw a crowd of genins trying to get into a room.

They sighed and continued walking. When they got to the third floor, they saw the rest of the Rookie 9.


A/N: I'm done!!!!!!!!! So this 4chan thing............... People say that they're gonna hack somewhere around July 14- July 21 I think.So not gonna update until August really sorry but I wanna be safe then sorry. I think this is good cuz I get an excuse to not have Chidori come over......

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