Omake 2

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A/N: After reading comments, I came up with this idea. Enjoy!

-Third Person P.O.V-

After Sarutobi handed out the chunin papers to Jounins who wanted to enlist their team in the Chunin exams. He leaned back and took out the little orange book of wonders. (cough* porn cough*) After reading a few pages when the female main character was dying, he sat up quickly with eyes widened remembering that he forgot to do something . He left his office and took a flight of stairs to the dungeon underneath for shinobi that had their chakra sealed (which had only 5 people there because a lot of them escaped and became missing-nin.) The Anbu there greeted him.

He walked down the long hallway that had jail cells on the side. He stopped in front of a brick wall and added his chakra to it. The brick wall opened in half revealing an elevator. He got in and pressed the only button there. The elevator stopped and he got out to a room with dimly lit candles. He sat in front of the computer and opened a website. Then he pressed play.

-A few Moments Later-

"Kaneki. Let's go home. Lets go- THUD"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO HIDE WHY??????????" Sarutobi called out

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOO HIDE WHY??????????" Sarutobi called out. "HIDEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" Sarutobi was now in tears and sobbing.

"WHY GOD WHY?!?!?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MY BAI??!?!?" he called out.

-Meanwhile in Seireitei-

Every shinigami heard the following:


"Yo Ichigo what did you do this time?" Rukia asked her orange haired friend.

"I swear Rukia I didn't do ANYTHING! And the person who said it said God. I'm only the substitue shinigami. so....... it could've been you or the old man" Ichigo said trying to explain to his friend.


-Meanwhile in the Death Note Dimension-

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-Meanwhile in the Death Note Dimension-

"Ryuk what did we do?" Light asked his shinigami.

"I don't know" Ryuk said and they shrugged it off.

"I don't know" Ryuk said and they shrugged it off

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-Meanwhile in Death City-

"Shinigami-sama, what did you do?" Spirit asked.

"SHINIGAMI-CHOP! How dare you Spirit-kun, why would you think that I could do anything when I can't leave this place?!?!" Death said.

"Well considering last time you turned Death City into a car to the Kushin...." Spirit said clutching his now bumped head.

"........ well that's fair but, it wasn't me...." Death said.

"Then who was it?" Spirit asked

"I don't know" Death simply replied.

-Meanwhile with Kami (in Narutoaverse)-

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-Meanwhile with Kami (in Narutoaverse)-

"Oops" Kami slowly backed away and ran.

"She does realize that she's a god and a mortal can't hurt her right?" Yami asked the Shinigami and Shinigami just shrugged. "Dammit, how are we going to finish B.S. when it's her turn?" Yami said. Shinigami put his cards down and looked at the pile and his eyes widened.

"SHE BSED US SO MANY TIMES??????????" Shinigami said now getting furious. "KAMIIIIIII!!!!!!" Yami yelled.

-Meanwhile in Noragamiaverse(is that how you say it? I don't know)-

"Yo Yaboku..... what did you do?"(if anyone didn't get to season 2 of Noragami Yaboku is Yato's real name)

"Yukine!!!! Why do you think that i did something?!?!" Yukine just shrugged and ignored him. Yaboku anime fell.

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A/N: So was it funny? I thought it was pretty hilarious when I typed it. Hope you enjoyed it!!!! I sadly don't own Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Death Note, Soul Eater, or Noragami. Does anyone notice that Light's last name is Im a gay backwards? Until Next Time! Ja Ne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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