Chapter 8

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

We were walking through the desert to get to Sunagakure until we found a cave. 

"Its getting dark so we'll be staying here for the night. Meizu scout the perimeter for any shinobis" I said mix with Kurama's and Saiken's voice. Meizu nodded and shunshinned away.

Haku and I were checking were checking the cave out until I felt a surge of memories.

"Hm so that's what you did" I mummured.

"My lord what's wrong" Haku said.

"Nothing Haku Nothing. Everything is perfectly fine" I said.

"Thank You Meizu. Set up camp and rest. We leave early in the morning" I said and stepped outside. I set up the seals and sat at the top of the rock structure. Kurama came out in her human form and sat by me. I also took my mask off.

"ne Kurama I failed on that clone again didn't I?" I said.

Yep. It was successful at first but then one emotional break through it fails. You know, I've always hated that bitch. She's too weak and useless Kurama said.

I laid down and stared at the starry night.

"Kurama, if you never became friends with me that night, how would I turn out?" I asked.

Well for starters you would still be the dead last and right now you would be in Konoha running away from those retarads.  Kurama said.

Then Haku came up using her ice mirrors.

"Kurama-sama. Naruto-sama it's my turn to keep watch" Haku said bowing at Kurama.

"Haku, why do you even follow me after my clone killed Zabuza?" I asked her.

"I follow you because first of all it wasn't actually you who killed him and second of all, you gave me a chance to finally tell him I love him. For that I'm grateful. I now know that he's off to a better place and he know's I love him" Haku said.

"Does Gozu feel the same way?" I asked and she nodded.

I shunshinned down to the cave. I laid down onto the futon. 

"Sleep Kit I be out here watching incase anything happens" Kurama said as I closed my eyes.

-Inside Naruto's Mind- (not the mindscape he shares with Kurama)

I opened my eyes to a dripping sewer. 

"What the?" I said. I got up and started looking around.

"Kurama? Kura-chan?" I called out but got no replies.

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself.

I see a door in front of me with light shining on the other side trying to get through. I opened the door. My eyes widened when I saw what was in front of me. It was my memories and for some reason I couldn't look away.

- Naruto age 10-
"Naruto, why did you vandalize the Hokage monument? There are great figures. If they inspire you so much why do you still do it?" Iruka asked.

"Because I'm going to surpass them one day and my face is going to be on it." I screamed.

"As your punishment, you will have to stay after school to clean it" Iruka asked.

"But today is " No excuses, I don't care if today is your birthday" Iruka said.

After cleaning for half an hour, I didn't notice Iruka had already left. After a full hour of cleaning I was done.

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