Chapter 22

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-No One's P.O.V.

"Get them Akaru!" Orochimaru ordered. Akaru pulled out his sword from his sheath. What he did next surprised everyone. He turned an pointed the sword at Orochimaru.

"What are you doing?" Kabuto hissed, "The enemy's right over there! Did you forget about our agreement?" Orochimaru said.

"Of course I didn't" Akaru said "But, why would I want to follow a disgusting old creep who, not to mention, is also a pedophile" he taunted.

"How dare you mock Orochimaru-sama!" Kabuto yelled quickly taking out his chakra scalpels and charged at Akaru. In a swift movement Akaru turned around and Kabuto's head came flying off. Sakura screamed.

"Tch, bastard. If you wanted to die that badly you could've just told me." Akaru said. Meanwhile Team 7 and Jiraiya was watching all this playing out.

"Wow gaki, your dark self sure is a merciless killer." Jiraiya commented.

"hehe...." Naruto responded sheepishly.

'Dammit, at this rate I'll die and even thought I survive, Kabuto won't be here' Orochimaru thought. Watching Naruto talking with his former teammate, an evil grin appeared on his face. He put on the Uzumaki clan death mask (A/N: I think that is what it's called...) and summoned the Shinigami. He then shunshined behind Naruto.

-With Naruto- (Few moments before)

"hehe......" Naruti responded sheepishly. There was a pause before his eyes widened. Something held on to him and started pulling. Naruto turned around and saw Orochimaru with the mask on controlling the Shinigami.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted.

"S-Sasuke." was all Naruto managed to say before he was taken by the Shinigami. After Naruto disappeared, the Shinigami spit out a soul, with Orochimaru sealed away, before disappearing back into the mask.

"Bastard!!!" Sasuke said charging at Orochimaru but it was too late. He left the scene via shunshin.

"That fricken asshole!" Akaru yelled. "Dammit, dammit dammit!!"

"What are you stressing about?" Kakashi asked "With Naruto gone your free and you can do whatever you want."

"You don't understand do you?" Akaru asked. "With him gone, I'll disappear as well!" he screamed. "What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked. "I'm the inner darkness and he's the happy and sunshine. We're halves of the same whole. Without light, I'll soon succumb to darkness. I'll be consumed by it before disappearing from the world!"

".......... That is really bad"


A/N: Sorry this is late. After one of you reminded me the update "Remember Me", I completely forgot about updating this story. Hehe.... Anyways, I took the opinion of one of you and put it in the story. Instead of Oro-Teme sealing Naruto in himself and destroying his body, I made it that the Shinigami took Naruto's soul and Oro-Teme escapes. Also sorry for a short chapter. Until Next Time, Ja Ne!

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