Chapter 14

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A/N: Just so you know, same thing as canon, Kakashi sealed Sasuke's curse mark.


-No One's P.O.V-

Sasuke clenched his fist when as thought about the fight with Naruto. 

'Dammit, how am I suppose to get stronger when I can't even beat Naruto?' Sasuke thought. Then he felt a slight sting from the curse mark and he clenched his shoulder.

'That's it, if I go to Orochimaru, I can get as strong as Naruto-nii!! I'll leave tonight and when I get back, I'll become stronger!' Sasuke thought. 'Now, I just need to find a way to get out of the hospital.' Sasuke thought.  

"Sasuke-kun?" Sasuke saw Sakura and smiled.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Congratulation on becoming a Chunin" Tsunade said.

"Thanks Baa-chan" I said.

"GAKI! How many times did I tell you not to call me Baa-chan?" Tsunade said and hit me on the head. (A/N: During his time at the hospital, Naruto sort of bonded with Tsunade)

"No matter how I look at it, you're still an old lady. Well Ja Ne" I said and shunshined to my apartment. 5 minutes later an Anbu came and told me that Tsunade was summoning me. I shunshined to her office putting on an annoyed face.

"What now?" I asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki, your first mission as chunin is to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha. After you left, an Anbu reported to me that he saw Sasuke sneaking out of the village. Do you accept this mission" Tsunade said.

"Yes" I said and I headed towards the gates.

'Dammit Sasuke, why are you going to that pedo' I thought. Then I suddenly felt pain.

'Hehe, I'm taking over now' Akaru said. (A/N: Decided to call the dark Naru Akaru. Aka, meaning evil)

-Time Skip- (sorry!! I know that I'm rushing this too much. I just need to get through this)



'dammit, I can't let that hit Sasuke I have to gain control again' I thought. I gained control of my right arm and dispelled the Rasengan at the last minute.

-No One's P.O.V-

Sasuke pierced his hand through Naruto's heart. His eyes widened and realized what he had done.

"No no no no" Sasuke said. He caught Naruto before he fell to the ground.

"S-Sasuke d-don't go t-to him" Naruto pleaded.

"I won't just don't leave me" Sasuke cried. Naruto touched Sasuke's forehead making his hand glow. Sasuke grabbed his hand.

"N-Naruto what did you do?!?" Sasuke asked cracking up.

"T-There, n-now y-you d-don't have to go to h-him. U-Use it wisely" Naruto said before coughing out blood.

"U-Use what wisely? A-Aniki you can't leave me." Sasuke said crying.

"Arigatou Sasuke. Thank you for freeing me.." Naruto said before his body went limp. 

"A-Aniki, w-wake up. I can't lose you" Sasuke pleaded. Then he felt his body burning. Specifically his shoulder, eyes, and stomach. The pain got too intense and he passed out.


A/N: And cut!! This is the end! Hope you all enjoyed it!!







Just Kidding!!! :D  So what did you guys think? I know you guys have a lot of questions like: What did Naruto do to Sasuke? I know I killed Naru  (T -T) *sniff* but!!!! there was a purpose. And again sorry, I kind of rushed the chunin exams and stuff. Hope y'all will continue supporting me till the end of the story!! I luv y'all!! And wish mwa a happy birthday on August 5!!! Anyone have to same b-day as mwa? Well, until next time, Ja Ne!!!!

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