Chapter 5

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-Haku's P.O.V-(Haku's a girl so if you were expecting him to be a boy sorry. Also all the pics you see, I find them online)

"Zabuza no why?!" I said falling down and crying.

"I never got the chance to tell you I loved you. Only if there was a way to bring you back" I weeped.

"Oh but there is a way" a voice said.

"Who are you" I said immediatley grabbing my senbons.

"Calm down I'm not an enemy" the voice said.

"Yeah but you aren't a friend either" I said throwing the senbon where I heard the voice.

"Don't you want a way to save your precious Zabuza?" the voice said as I felt something wrapping around me.

"Yes. Please I'll do anything to get Zabuza back" I said and the restraint dissapeared.

 The person smiled.

"Anything?" the figure asked.

"Anything" I replied.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I walked through the forest and out of no where found a bounty shop.

I entered the shop I saw a man with dark blacl hair and a scar through his eye sharpening a sword. He stopped what he was doing and looked up.

"Beat it kid, this is no place for you" the man said in a deep voice.

"This is a bounty station right?" I asked.

"Yeah" he answered.

"Then this the perfect place for me" I said. He got up and attacked me with the sword. I stopped it with one hand causing him to gaps.

"I'm here to do business with you. What's your name" I said.

"N-Nao Kiyabu. What do you have" he said.

I unsealed the bodies.

"T-Thats Gozu and Zabuza how the hell did you kill them you're just a kid" Nao said.

"I'm more than my looks. So how much" I said.

"135 thousand ryo" he said. He took out a breif case and handed it to me.

"What's your name" he asked.

"Naruto Uzamaki" I replied.

"Thank you Uzamaki-san for doing business with me. Here's a key. When you need to do business with me. Enter this key into any door. When you open it, you'll be here" Nao said and I left. When I got out side I sealed the money and key away.

As I was walking, Kurama appeared in chibi from. 

"Kurama what do you want?" I asked.

"I was wondering kit, does this look good on me?" Kurama asked. With a poof Kurama dissapeared. In Kurama's place was a red haired girl wearing only a bikini. 

"Kurama you never told me you were a girl" I commented.

"Ah my kit didn't know I was a girl I'm hurt" Kurama said pulling a tissue from mid air to wipe her "tears". Then with a snap of a finger, the bikini was replaced by a normal clothes.

"Stop bothering me. Take a nap or something" I said and Kurama dissapeared.

As I continued walking the wind blew harder and all of a sudden the sky blackened. I layed down on the grass and looked up at the sky.

'It's so beautiful' I thought before closing my eyes.

Memories of my  torterous childhood flashed before me. It made me hate the village more and more. Also causing my chakra to spike.

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