Chapter 3

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"What?" I asked him in shocked tone.

"Date with me!" He said again.

"Uhm... I don't know Jon!" I replied still stuck where I stand. I don't even know if I'm ready to have a relationship right now.

Beside, I'm still haunted with my past relationship. His name was Henry. He was the perfect guy I ever met. I love him so much. He know how to treat me well. He was a very gentle man. Or should i say he was the type of guy that every girls will wish for. We having a very wonderful relationship. We've been together for about one year long. But the only problem we have is my parents don't like him. Yeah! They literally didn't like him.

We ended our relationship not in a very good condition. It was during my 24th birthday. My parents was held my birthday party for me. I bring Henry come home with me. After the party finished, my mother told me the reason they doesn't like Henry was because they think he was a gold digger. I was mad at her. We having a really big family fight that night. Suddenly, my parents told me they want to talk with Henry and I let him. As Henry enter the room, both of my parents was sitting on the sofa while I was standing one feet beside Henry.


"How much did you love my daughter?" My dad asked Henry.

"She's my world!" He said while putting his hand on my hand. I feel really relieve hearing him said so. Because he was my world too. I can't imagine my life without him. I love this man so much. He's my everything.

"How bout we make a deal?" Dad said again.

"Dad...!" I said but mom cut me off.

"We will give you 500 thousand dollars for you to leave her!" My mom said suddenly.

"What? Mom don't...!" Once again I've been cut off. But this time it was Henry that cut me off.

"You think 500 thousand dollars worth for me to leave her! I'm sorry but you way more wrong than that!" Henry said suddenly.

I release a relieve breath as I heard Henry said so, because I thought he will accept it.

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