Chapter 24

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---2 weeks later---

"I hate her so much!" I throw my leather jacket at the grown as me and Jon enter our locker room.

"Babe! You just over react!" Jon lean at the wall looking at me.

"Over react? Jon she look at you the way she wasn't supposed to!" I almost yell.

"I know okay! I wasn't comfortable with it too! But I can't push her away at that ring just like that!"

"I swear if he ever touch you again I'm gonna break her!"

"I know that!" He smirk before sit beside me. He motion me to sit at his lap and I straddle him at the couch facing him.

"I know you jealous okay! And that's cute too see. But just so you know, I love you! Not her! Not other woman but you! Understand?" He asked and I nodded to him while smiling listen to his words.

"Good! Now I don't even get a congratulations kiss from you after winning my match!" He smirk. I roll my eyes playfully before lean in too kiss him.

"I love you Jon! So much!" I said as our forehead touch each other.

"I love you so much too!" He smile.

I still feel mad at Lisa for touching my man after he win his match earlier. How dare she do that in front of the camera. She know I'm his girlfriend and still do that.

Me, Jon and Dana was hanging out at our hotel living room watching some tv show. Colby wasn't here because he was at his hometown since he still wasn't be able to put in action after his injuries.

"Have you met Lisa when you get back here?" Dana break the silence causing Jon to groan. He doesn't like to talk about it.

"No I don't! But trust me, f I met her I don't know what I'm gonna do to her!" I growl.

"And that's why I need to be around you all the time before you pull out a scene in public!" Jon added causing me and Dana too laugh.

Suddenly my phone went off. I look at the caller and it was Edward! Shit! I haven't called him this past two weeks.

"Hello!" I pick up the phone and walk to the bedroom.

"I thought you we're dear already!" He stated.

"Very funny Ed!" I replied.

"Haha... I'm just wanna telling you about next month planning!"

"What planning?" I asked.

"You need to take off days because I need your help!" He replied.

"What kind of help?"

"From the way you asked I assume you forgot cousin Jacob birthday right!" Oh gosh! I do really forgot about it.

Jacob is our only cousin from my father family. My father and his mother we're sibling. Jacob is the only children my aunt have. We grew up together.

"Oh Shit! I really forgot about that!" I cursed.

"Yeah! That why I need your help in planning his surprise birthday party!" he explain.

"Okay! Ill do my best to be there okay!"

"Okay! So I see you later then yah?"

"Yeah. Bye!" With that I ended the phone call.

I lay at the bed and minutes later Jon come in to the room and join me.

"Whats up?" He pull me into him.

"Edward call and need my help next month. I need to tell Hunter I need a break for a few days" I told him.

"Oh! Okay then!" He said before turn off the light and we went to sleep.

Tonight we gonna do a live event. I've been thinking about the surprise party that my brother want to pull out for my cousin. Is this a good time to be open up to Jon about my real life? Maybe I should bring him along with me and introduce him with my family. Beside we've been date for moths now. It wasn't best for me to keep this secret that long. I don't know what his reaction will be but if he love me, he'll understand why I'm doing this. After long thinking bout it I decided to find him at the boys locker room to invite him come with me.

As I walk down the hall way I saw Lisa talking to some crew. Her back was facing me and she didn't notice I was there. I eavesdropping bout what they we're talking about.

"I know he have a girlfriend but hey! Look at me! I'm way hotter than she is!" She shrugs. I wonder who was she talking about.

"You crazy you know! Dean is in love with her. There's no way she gonna leave JJ that soon!" The man said to her shook his head.

So she was talking about me and my man huh! I can't let her walk away from this.

I clear my throat before speak.

"Wow! Impressive you know! You think he'll leave me for you? Oh please!" I said with an attitude.

She was shocked as she realize it was me. But then again she smirk at me.

"You know what? I don't know what Jon see in you?" She laugh. That's it! I snap and jump over her. But thankfully the crewman catch me before I can launch at her. I try to fight him but he push me away while I saw her laughing.

"He will be mine Kylie. Trust me he will!" She chuckle before leave.

"Miss you need to calm down!" The man put me back to the grown. I breath heavily not even bothering about what he was saying to me until someone greet us.

"What happening here?" I turn around and it was Jon. I grab his wrist and enter a random empty room with him.

"What happening? What did the guy do to you?" He asked concern. I shook my head at his question. I feel really mad bout what she just said right now.

I went to where he was standing and pull him to me as I kiss him roughly. The felt of him in my arm make me safe a little. I'm never gonna let this man walk away from my life. No matter what happen. Never!

"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked as we pull apart from each other and I told him about the incident earlier.

"Babe! I love you okay! Only you! I never wanted other girl like I wanted you before. So you didn't have to worry about that Lisa girl okay!" He reassured me before kiss me again.

"Promise me Jon!" I said to him.

"I pinky promise you!" He said while holding his pinky promise up. I laugh and tangle mine with him.

"I'm not interested in her. Even if she was the only girl on earth! I've turn gay!" He added causing me to giggle.

"Thank you babe!" I hug him tightly. He really know how to lighten up my mood when I'm feeling down. I couldn't asked for a better guy than him ever.

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