Chapter 18

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Dedicated to @RashaDarkblade89 & 123LunaticFringe123 thank you for voting

It was already 3 pm and I went to the kitchen to get some water while Jon was still sleeping upstairs.

"Oh hey!" Dana greet me as I finish my water.


"Where's the idiot!" She smile.

"Still nap! What you doing?"

"Nothing! Just get here to grab some ice cream!" She said before opening the refrigerator. We both eat ice cream together while I told her about me and Jon.

"That was so not him! I'm sure you really change him for better you know!" She stated.

"I hope so!" I replied.

"Hope what?" He interrupt.

"Nothing! Just have some girly talk here!" I assured him.

He went near me and put his arm around me from behind as I sit at the stool.

"We need to pick up the boys at the airport!" I said to him and he groan at my neck.

"What do you mean boys? Wasn't it just supposed to be Joe?"

"Colby is coming too! He's paying wwe a visit!" And he nod before stare at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You got ice cream at your face!" He smile.

I whip my face using my hand.

"Clear?" I asked him. He lean at me before licking the left of my lips than kiss me.

"That's better!" He chuckle.

"Get a room!" Suddenly Dana interrupt. Gosh! I forgot she was here. I feel so embarrassed I hope my cheek doesn't blush.

"And that's why she shouldn't be here!" Jon said and I hit him at his chest.

"She should be here! And she will join us to pick up the guys before we all went out to grab dinner!" I said and tangling my hand with Dana. She smile wide at me and nod eagerly. Jon roll his eyes at us.

As we meet Colby and Joe, we went back to our car. Dana was leaning at the car waiting for us while her eyes was focus on her phone.

"Dude! Look at that chick over there!" Colby said suddenly pointing at Dana. "She's hot!" He said out of no where.

Oh boy Colby! Wrong time and places bro. That's your brother lil' sister!

Dean stop at his track and look at Colby. He look like mad. Colby you we're dead! I grab Jon arm and look at him and hopping he'll look at me back but no he didn't.

Colby look at us.

"What?" He asked looking at Jon. "I'm speaking the truth! She's hot!" He smirk at Jon.

Colby POV

I look at Jon, he look like he was mad after I said that lady was hot. Why does he bother if I'm checking that girl out. She already got a lady. In fact he is now madly in love with her.

"Roman and Seth!" A girl spoke from behind me. As I turn around I saw the girl is now talking to me. I smile back at her.

"I believe that was us!" I snugly said. She offer her hand to shake at Joe first than me.

"Glad to finally meet you! I'm Dana by the way!" She said while I take her hand.

"Dana! What a beautiful name!" I said to her and she blush. Ha! I just make this beautiful woman blush.

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