Chapter 14

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I grab my phone from his hand and answer it.


"More than one month you didn't even call me?" Edward responded.

"Well hello to you too!" Said in sarcasm tone while looking at Jon.

"We need to talk!"

"Aren't we talking now?" Asked.

"It's about this company!"

I sigh and stand up. I make my way to the bathroom leaving Jon on bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked him while i sit at the sink.

"We are going to have a meeting with all the board and your presence are needed since you also have name in this company!"

"But I don't wanna have anything to do with the company! I told you you can take my share!" I answered him.

"It's not that simple Andy!" He sigh.

My middle name is Andrea. My brother is the only one that called me by it. But he like to called me Andy because that was more simple. He said he like to call me Andy because when he know that my mom was pregnant me, he always want to have a little brother. But tada I'm a girl. It funny to think about that.

"But im sure you can handle it! That's your job. You done it much better than me. Im not suit whit that. WWE is my job!" I answered him.

"You Know you lucky because i love you!" He stated and i giggle.

"Well i love you too so much! That's why you my..."

"Favorite brother in the whole wide world. Yeah yeah yeah! Of course im your favorite brother. Because im your only brother!" He chuckle.

"I guess this settle already then?"

"You could said that!" He reply.

"Thank you so much Ed!"

"Yeah! Okay i got to go. Call me sometime when you free okay!"

"Okay bye!" i said and he hung up the phone.

I went back to the bedroom seeing Jon staring at the ceiling. As he realise I standing there he motion me to lay beside him.

"Who's Edward?" He asked.

"He's my ex boyfriend!" I lied.

He look a little bit mad.

"What did he want?"

"He want me back!" I laugh inside.

He look more mad than before.

"So what you said?"

"I said I think about it!" I sigh.

"I can't believe you! You we're mine! Mine and only! Im gonna break his neck if I meet him!" E hold his fist tightly looking at me. Okay now I'm doom.

"Jon calm down!" I hold his arm.

"How can I calm down when another man is trying to get my girlfriend!" He reply.

"Jon that's my brother! Edward is my brother!" I told him the truth.

"What?" He snatch his head to me.

"You should stop covering him!"

"Jon I'm just joking okay!" Hold both of his cheek before planting a kiss on his plump lips.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah! He called to tell me about something!" I sigh.

He look at me in the eyes.

Expensive Love (Dean Ambrose Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now