Chapter 10

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I went back to my room at 3 in the morning. Of course Jon being a gentle men and walk me until in front of my door room. We said our goodbye before he leave.

As I enter the room, I saw Becky already fasten in her sleep at her bed. I go to my bed and throw my body at the bed not even bother to change my clothe. Tomorrow, we will headed to the next city for another house show. It will be 2 hour drive from here. That's mean I need a lot of sleep for tomorrow even though I'll be carpooling with Jon and Joe. Yeah! Jon kind of asked me to join them. Since Joe know about us why not right? But on the other hand, I need to make and excuses for not riding with Paige and Becky. But right now I'm too tired to think an excuses so I will cover it tomorrow. Right now all I need is my beauty sleep in a short hours.


I wake up hearing Becky shouting my name.

"Kylie!!! If you don't wake up now we gonna be late!" She yell.

"Mmm" is all I said to her.

"Wake up you hot pants!" She throw the pillow at me.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"Its 10 in the morning. We leave in 30 mins. And trust me Paige will be all grumpy if we late. You know her right? She doesn't like when people show up late!" She lectured.

"You guys just go okay! I leave with the other later!" I said buried my face at the comfy pillow.

"Why you look so tired? Where are you last night? You came back late right?" She asked a lot of question.

I groan and not even bother to answer her.

"Wait! You went to met him right last night?"

I smile to her listing to her question. The memory of him asking me to be his girlfriends flashback on my memory.

"Please tell me you guys not do the dirty yet!" Becky stated causing me to throw a pillow at her.

"not that you idiot!" i replied.

"so what? Why you smiling when I asked?" She stated.

"Im off the market" I grin.

She squeals and jump to my bed.

"Gosh Kylie! Tell me about it!"

"Nope! You need to rush. Paige wait for you. I told you later." I replied.

"okay okay!" she yell while running outside and I continue my sleep until my time to go.


I wear a short shorts Jean with a 3:16 t-shirt and my Chuck Taylor on while headed to the boys rental car since I ride with them.

As I reach the parking lot, I saw Jon putting his stuff in the trunk. I feel so happy saw him. I let go of my bag and went to hug him from behind and buried my face on his back smelling the scent of him.

"wow!" he said looking at me.

"look like someone miss me so much!" he tease while turning to face me.

"morning!" I smile looking up to him and he smile back to me before pecking my lips. Oh boy I miss the feeling being with someone like this. He let go of me before put my stuff at the trunk.

"Change of plan. We going to be added with one member!" he stated.

"who?" I asked Jon.

"Me!" the voice from behind me stated. I turn to face the person and oh my gosh!

"Ninja!" I yell to him while throwing my body to him and give him a bear hug. I almost push him down but he manage to stand tall.

"Hey squirt!" he said to me.

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