Chapter 17

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Dedicated to @Zakiyahhhh & @IsabelaMarieGonzale2 Thanks for voting.

"Jon still sleeping upstair! He could be such a pain in the are sometime you know and last night was so tiring! I had too sleep late because of his needs" She said to me.

I feel so betrayed right now. How could Jon not telling me he got other girl stay at his house. Well now I know why he really wanna left early the other day. It because he want to meet this gorgeous woman. Damn! Feel hurt inside me. He just break my heart.

"Uhm... I think I meet him later!" I said and grab my luggage with me.

"No! I see that you look like you travel too far just to see him. So come on!" She said and grab my wrist before drag me upstairs.

This house is amazing. But I don't have time to be mesmerized by it right now! I was so upset. I hate this woman who dragging me right now. Who is she? I feel like I wanna punch her all over his gorgeous face but I don't have the energy to do that since I felt betrayed and broken inside.

She lead me to a door, and without knocking it she just burst in still dragging me along with her.

And the scene I saw there was confirm that my thought was right. He does sleep with her. He is lying in the bed with the comforter cover half of his body. There is his towel lying on the grown.

I feel like I'm about to cry but I find the urges to hold it.

"Jon! Your friend is here!" The woman shake him. I just stand there mad looking at him.

"Just go! They aren't here until this evening!" He said in his sleepy voice. Then the woman lay beside him at the empty space of the bed while looking at me.

"Then why does this woman over here said she come to see you?" She asked Jon.

"What woman?" Jon said finally open his eyes. As soon as be see me, his eyes wide open.

"Kylie?" He said shocked.

"I can't believe you!" I spat to him before leave.

" Who is she." I heard the girl asked him while I'm walk away. Right now my tears was falling down my cheek. I feel so broken inside.

I went out and realise I don't have my rental car since I went here using a cab. I drag my luggage as fast as I can to walk away from the house.

But not far from the house I heard him calling my name but I ignored him. I heard his step from behind and I fasten my step. But then he manage to grab my hand and turn me to face him. Right now I was crying hard.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I hate you Jon! I hate you with all my heart!"

"Babe you didn't mean that!" He replied while whip my tears away.

"Don't touch me!" I push him away. As I look at him again I realise he was just in his towel around his waist.

"Are you jealous?" He asked with his cocky smirk.

"I hate you! You lie to me Jon! Clearly your 'person to meet' is much more important than me!" I said. And once again he smirk.

"Did you know you look hot when you mad!" He replied and I slap him square in the face.

"You don't deserve me!" I said and walking away.

"Babe I can explain okay!" He said while stopping me.

"I don't need explanation. From what I heard by she and saw earlier is enough!" I whisper yell.

"What did she said?" He asked.

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