Chapter 32

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* 6 months later *

Kylie POV

Its been six months since we getting back together. For once my life come back to the right track again. I have my family who is supporting my decision to be a WWE wrestler. My friends and fan accepting my background and understand why I keep it hide for a while. And the best part is, my relationship with Jon is really amazing.

He really treat me well. Every time we have our day off, we either spend it alone at his place or at my place. My mom and dad accept him for who he are open arm and so does Edward. My life couldn't get any better than this. I'm so grateful for the thing that I have now.

"Babe! I need your help here!" Jon call me causing me to snap out of my thought.

"Coming!" I said and went to our bedroom.

"What do you need darling?" I asked him. He was sitting at the end of the bed and motion me to come to him.

I went to him and sit at his lap straddling him while my hand is around his neck.

"Can you please company me to join the boys playing golf?" He ask in his raspy voice.

We are actually joining our family vacation for four days. All of my family including my cousin, Jacob and his parents along with his girlfriend also join us.

"Ugh! Jon you know I hate golf right?" I groan.

"I know! And I hate it to! That's why I want you to join me!" He kiss my lips and kiss him instantly.

Suddenly the kiss become a make out session. His hand snaking around the hem of my shirt before roaming around my bare skin.

"Jon!" I groan in between the kiss.

"What?" He smirk.

"We need to stop!" I growl. He turn us over causing me to lay back on the bed with him on top of me.

"Or what?" He leave wet kisses around my neck causing me to let a small moan out.

This guy really gonna be the death of me. Thank God this was a family vacation or else.

"Fine...fine...! I follow you!" I give up.

"Good!" He give me a peck before standing and went to his luggage.

"Just that?" I ask leaning my body with me elbow on bed looking at him.

"Yeah! Just that! I need your company and you said yes. So now go get dress up. We don't have time for whatever dirty plan you got in your mind" He smirk at me.

"Fine!" I throw a pillow to him before running to the bathroom.


"Dad! Please tell your son to stop bossing over me! I'm not his slave!" I groan at Edward who had told me to do this and that at me since we arrived at the golf court.

I look at my dad and he was busy talking with my uncle.

"Hahaha... poor Andy! Dad didn't listen to you anymore!" He tease me.

I mad at Edward and cross my hand in front of my chest.

"Whats up with that face?" Jon asked as he saw me mad.

"Ask him!" I tilted my head at Edward and he look at him.

"Chill bro! I'm just asking her to take my phone which I left it at the mini golf car!" He explain to Jon.

"Why didn't you take it?" Jon asked me making me groan even louder.

"Because he had been bossing me around since we here and it make me sick! He can do it by himself but still he told me to do it! You know how much I hate it when people told me what to do!" I mad.

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