Chapter 23

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Kylie had plan me and her will have a double date dinner with Colby and Dana tonight.

Now here I am sitting at the living room looking at Colby who sit in front of me. We we're waiting for the girls to get ready.

"Look! I know this look awkward between us. I mean it my pleasure to going out on a date with your sister. She's a beautiful woman. But at least give me a chance to know her!" He break the silence. He look a bit nervous talking to me. I mean who didn't when you taking my sister out on a date right?

"As long as you didn't break her I'm not gonna do anything. But she is my only sister. The only family I got. If you mess this up! I'm gonna make sure you gonna pay for it. Understand!" And he nod. Second later the girl come out ready with their dress. Both of them look really pretty.

I went to where Kylie at and give a kiss to her soft lips.

"You girls look beautiful tonight!" I compliment them and they chuckle while Kylie hit my chest playfully.

"And you look handsome too. We better go now!" She take my hand and drag me with her.

"Colb you better grab your girl!" She wink at him and I give him the warning eyes.

"Don't be like that!" She told me.

"What?" I asked her as we leave the room while Colby and Dana walking behind us.

"You know what I mean Jon!" She roll her eyes.

"Fine! But I'm not gonna promise to be nice!" I shrugs before stop at the elevator and look at Colby and Dana who look shy around each other.

Kylie POV

My mission tonight is make sure Colby and Dana get some alone time to know each other better.

As we finish dinner which I could said a little bit awkward since Jon keep send Colby a dagger glare every time he leave a compliment comment to Dana. Typical over protective brother I could say. I decided to walk back to hotel.

"Jon! Lets just walk!" I said too him.

"But it...!" I cut him off.

"Please! It's been a while we didn't walk around under the moonlight! It'll be romantic!" I give him pleaded eyes which I'm sure he couldn't resist.

He look at Colby and Dana who is now talking. They look cute together. I bet he must be thinking either walk with me or not.

"Fine than I walk alone!" I act like I mad at him.

"You guys take the car I walk home" I told Colby and Dana before continue walking.

"Babe come on! Don't be mad at me!" He ran after me make me smile. But I hide the smile as he reach near me.

"You need to let them alone Jon! They we're and adult. They know what to do!" I assured him. He tried to argue with me but I fight back.

"Jon you just over thinking! Colby is your best friend. He'll never gonna break her okay? Beside Dana is a grown woman. She can do whatever she want!" I frown at him.

"Okay fine!" He sigh.

"Good! Now let's continue walking and enjoy this night!" I smile knowing I'm winning the argument.

"I thought you mad at me?" He asked.

"I could if you want to!" I look at him.

"Nah!" He said before leave a sweet kiss at my lips making me smile again.

"I love you Jon"

"I love you too princess!" He replied.

---one week later---

I was at catering watching smack down. I didn't have a match and promo to do tonight so I just enjoy myself here watching. Colby and Dana had been out twice after the date. Plus they had been spending so much time with each other at every arena we go. Jon still act the same but they try to ignore him.

Funny thing happen during their last date. Colby being a gentlemen and send Dana too our hotel room. Unfortunately Jon caught they kissing in front of the door so he banned them from go out on another date for at least a week. But I know they still go out together behind his back so!

"Mind if I join?" I look at the person and it was Renee. She was a one cool funny chick to chill with and I like her a lot.

"Sure!" I smile at her and we watch the rest of the show together before Nattie decide to join us.

"I heard we got a new girl joining us as an announcer!" Nattie spoke.

"Yeah! She will be start during raw next week but I heard she's here today!" Renee added.

"Oh really? I just heard that!" I inform them.

Minutes later we realize a girl enter the catering. She is tall brunette girl. Her hair fall perfectly with her short haircut that stop at her chin. She went to where we we're sitting.

"Hi! Uhm.. I'm Lisa!" She smile at us. And we all introduce our self to her.

"So you the new announcer huh?" Renee asked and she nodded. We talk about how she get here and stuffs. She look like a good chick.

"Ladies! I'm sorry but I need to take this one now!" Jon come and put his arm at my shoulder from behind.

"I'm sorry! But this lunatic need me!" I joke and stand up.

"Dean Ambrose right?" Lisa asked.

"Yupp!" Jon answer popping the p.

"That his ring name, the real one is Jonathan!" I said to her while Jon rested his chin at my shoulder.

"Oh hey! I'm Lisa by the way! The new announcer!" She stand up from her sit and offer her hand for him to shake.

Jon look at her hand not taking it. So I shrugs motion Jon to shake her hand and he accept it.

The way she look at him is like she want him. And I don't like it a bit.

"I'm sorry but we got to leave!" I said while hugging Jon from the back.

Jon kiss my forehead as he know that I'm jealous of her.

"You look cute when you jealous!" He whisper so only me could hear it.

"Shut up!" I whisper back before kiss him in front of the girls and they aww at us.

"Ambrose is whipped man!" Renee laugh causing Jon to look at her.

"Okay now my lunatic! We really need to go!" I drag him out from the catering room.

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