Chapter 19

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This chapter is dedicated to my new gang to watch wrestling with at the future, Gabriel Steven Gerald. Welcome to the family buddy 😘😘😘


He run to me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm about to go to the divas locker room but I think I'm lost!" I look at my feet.

"Where's Jon?"

"He's to busy watching his girlfriend match!" I said sound a little bit harsh causing Seth to chuckle.

"What so funny?" I frown looking at him.

"Are you jealous for the fact that your brother having a lot more attention to his girlfriend than his sister?" He asked.

"No!" Yes!

"Lets go!" He said while putting his arm around my shoulder. I stop at the track.

"Seth!" I look at him and he realise his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry!" He pull his hand away. "By the way, you should call me Colby."

"Uhm... right. Okay!" I stuttered.

After walking around about 5 minutes we he open a door for me and motion me to come in. I look at him unsure.

"Oh come on! This is your brother locker room! He will be here after his match!" He push me in.

We spend the most of the time joking and commenting the match between Jon and Owen. I never thought spending some time with this guy would be pretty cool.

"After a while watching raw and smack down, I realise only Dean can defeat Owen's via pinfall!" Set... Colby said after the bell been ring signing Jon had win the match after pinning Owen.

"Why did you said so?" I look at him.

"I tough you watch wwe?" He asked me back.

"I barely watch it. Mainly, I only watch the ppv!" I shrugs.

"You should watch it you know! Its cool! Like watching a drama! No! I mean like you watching a great movie but sometime it doesn't end like a happy ending that you hope though." He shrugs.

"Oh! You mean like Roman finally winning the world heavyweight championship against my brother, but than it only be in his hand for just 5 minutes 15 seconds before Sheamus cash in his money in the bank brief cash and delivered twice brogue kick?"

"Something like that! Bad ending!" He widened his eyes.

"And when Roman finally had his wrestlemania moment by main event it against Brock for the world heavyweight title than at the end you running with your brief ca..." I didn't even get to finish my words when he cut me off.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Don't bring that shit over again!" He frown and I laugh.

"Why Colby? Does it bring back bad memories?" I laugh.

"Both of the man beat the crap out of me during raw and smack down after that! Fucking story line! They taking advantage towards it!" He growl.

Before I could reply to said words the door flung open revealing Jon. He look at me than at Colby. Shit Colby's here!

"You shouldn't leave like that!" He mad at me. I felt afraid towards him but I didn't want to show it.

"I'm not a kid anymore Jon! You can't told me what I can and can't do!" I answer calmly.

"Wow Dan! You just hang out with this scumbag for like what? Few minutes? And you already sound like him?" He shot me back. I can't believe he just said that to me in front of his best friend.

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