Chapter 30

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As I open my eyes, I realize I was still inside a car. But I realize I wasn't at the same cab as earlier. I look at the passenger side and saw her driving. I shook my head for a while and remember the incident earlier. I want to rub my eyes but I realize my hand had been tied and I groan.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm taking your time so you better listen to me!" She answer before stop the car. She get out and open the back door to help me out.

"Did you realize you just kidnapped me. I can Sue you for this!"

"Sue me later when I'm done with you baby!" She smirk at me.

I get out of the car and look at the surrounding. I saw a huge bungalow in front of me. This place is huge. It must be a private properties.

"Wow! Bab...!" I shook my head. I almost called her babe.

"Kylie what are you doing? Its daylight! You can't be serious about to sneak in there!" I said to her as I remember I used to bring her once entering a private land just to swimming in the pool.

"I wasn't gonna do that idiot!" She said to me and I look at her.

"Come on! Its getting late!" She grab my tied hand.

"Late for what?" I asked.

"My cousin birthday! Duh!" She replied. This girl is crazy! After what she done to me she think I'm gonna just be okay with that and follow her to his cousin birthday party!

"No way! I'm not gonna go there!" I pull my tied hand and back away from her. She stop at her track and look at me.

"Fine!" She said before yelling. "Guard! Bring this man with me!"

I look at her confused before saw two big guys running over us in black suit. Both of them grab each of my arm before following her into the house.

"What are you doing?" I try to fight back but it useless.

The house look very fancy! Don't know how she can get in here that easy.

We enter a room and she order the man to untied me before they leave.

"Are you out of your mind?" I look at her while rubbing my hand.

"Maybe! But you the reason why!" She replied and I shook my head.

"Here is your suit tonight! I need you to wear it! It custom made with your size. So it fit you well!" She point at a suit that lay at the bed.

"No way I'm gonna wear that!" I protest.

"If you not in this suit before 5! I'm gonna make sure the guy just now make you wear it with or without your willingness!" She fake a smile.

"The party gonna start in an hour! So I need to get dress right now! And don't try to run away! Because my guard securing every inch of this house!" She thread me before pecked me at my cheek and left.

Who does she think she was? I'm Jon Good! Nobody told me what to do! After few minute looking around the fancy bedroom I decide to sneak out. As I open the door, damn she wasn't kidding when she said her guard was securing this house.

"Sir we need you to get dress before left this room!" The man said to me and I growl. I don't have any choice than to do what she said.

After I put the suit on, another guy get in.

"Sir I am George the Butler. Miss Kylie send me to check you up!" He said in formal tone. This situation make me feel weird about her. Who is all of this people?

"I'm done now as you can see!" I answer bluntly.

"If you ready, you can wait for miss Kylie at the living room!" He inform me and I nod my head.

After waiting for a while, she show up in a very long strapless ivory dress. She look so beautiful with her hair braided like a crown around her head. Her make up look so perfect. She look so stunning.

"I'm so gonna be late!" She said hurriedly while taking my hand running to the car. I was speechless looking at her like that.

As we sit at the back of the limo she nonstop cursing about this and that.

"This is so stupid! I wouldn't be late if I wasn't supposed dress like this! The makeup and the hair is taking too long! I'm gonna kill who ever send the makeup artist just now! Did you know who send them?" She asked at the driver.

"I believe it must be your mother or your brother itself my lady!" He replied politely.

I look at her and she notice it.

"What?" She asked.

"You tell me what?" I shot back.

"Everything will be explained after we reach there okay! So right now you still mine and I'm still yours! But after this night end, after you know who the real me! You can decide either to leave me or not! And I'm gonna respect your decision!" She sigh.

After I know who she is? What that supposed to be mean? I asked myself.

As we reach the venue, she put her hand on my arm and I look at her.

"Just act like you fine with it!" She sigh and we enter the ballroom together.

I was still in misery for this situation I'm in with. Thank God I wear this suit because everyone else look so fancy here. She lead me to a man in dark blue tuxedo. She let go of my hand and hug the men before leave a small kiss at his cheek.

"Is he already here?" She asked and the man nod before looking at me. He look at me like he doesn't like my presence.

"Is this him?" He asked.

"Uhm... yeah! Edward, Jon. Jon Edward my brother!" She introduce us. As she said it was her brother, I feel like I had been slap square in the face. Crap I didn't realize I'm gonna meet him today. It feel a little bit awkward being in this situation.

"Mom and da are waiting for you!" He tilted his head over a mid age couple across the room.

"I guess I need to say hi to them!" She shrugs before pull me with her. I was startled! Does she really gonna introduce me with her parents in our situation like this?

"Mom!" She kiss the woman in a fancy dress before turn to the man in black suit.

"Daddy!" She said excitedly before hug him for about 5 second.

"My princess look very beautiful tonight!" Her dad compliment her.

"Thank you daddy! You so sweet. You look handsome as always!" She smile at him.

"And this is..." her mother look at me.

She went grab my hand and smile at her parents.

"Mom da! This is Jonathan Good!" She introduce me.

"Finally!" Her mom let out a breath and I look at her awkwardly.

"I've been dying to see her bring another guy back since I don't know how many years!" She claim. I look at Kylie with a 'really' look and she blush.

"By the way! I'm Greg Angelo and this is my wife Lisa Angelo!" He offer his hand to shake.

I was shocked! Wasn't he is the billionaire that Lisa talk about before!

"Nice meeting you sir!" I accept his hand.

"I've heard a lot about you Jon!" He said to me.

"Ow! About good thing I hope!" I replied try to smile.

"Only if you knew! She can't stop talking about you and it make me feel dizzy!" He laugh and I look at her, but she look away blushing.

"Well...well...well! Look who's here!" I heard a man said. I turn around and look at the man. I tighten my fist as I saw him. The man that she had been cheat with.

Suddenly my hatred to her comes back.

Another cliffhanger 😁😁😁😁

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