Chapter 29

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Its been a week since I've been out from WWE.

I'm still on my worst condition ever! I can't control my feeling the way I want it. I still feel hurt inside me. I don't know why but I can't live without him. I really need him. But I don't know what to do.

Me and my brother we're just on our way home from a meeting at my father company earlier. Both of us sitting at the back seat.

I do follow my brother advice by keeping me busy with all of this business thing, it do work. But only for temporary. Every time I'm alone I still crying for him.

"How much do you love him?" Edward asked.

"Huh?" I'm puzzled with his question.

"How much did you love that guy?" He repeat.

"Much enough to make me suffer" I sigh.

"Do you think he felt the same way to you?" He asked again.

"I don't know Ed! He used to said he love me more than I ever know but I don't know now!" I admit.

"I hate to see you suffer like this okay! So I think it better if you both meet and talk about you guys problem. Explain everything. The you let him decide either he can accept the real you or not!" He advice me.

"Its not that easy Ed! You think he want to talk to me after what happen? Hell he doesn't even want to look at me maybe!" I sigh.

"You can force him! At least you need to try once. If he doesn't want to listen it his loss!"

"I don't know Edward!" I look outside the window.

"I thought you love him enough to make him listen to you!" He added causing me to be mad.

"I do love him but it's complicated okay! He's a grown up man and bigger than me! How am I supposed to make...!" Suddenly an idea pop up in my head. "Oh!" I said.

"Oh! What?" Edward asked and I smirk at him.

"You've got an idea didn't you?" He asked and I nod.

This plan better work or else! I smirk to myself.


All the plan for Jacob birthday party was set up for tonight.

And today I also gonna make Jon listen to me. I know it's not easy but at least I try said Edward to me few days ago.

WWE had live event last night at Dalas Texas. I know I should be in action since Texas is my city. But since I've got injured I've haven't got a chance to be in ring. I've only got three more days before I can get back into the ring and I'm so excited.

But my main plan today is telling Jon the truth. I had called Hunter last night asking if Jon still haven't cancel his three day off that we take for my cousin birthday party and he said he never cancel it. But Hunter also inform me that he gonna flew back to Vegas during that day off. I better be quick before he catch his flight or I'll miss this chance.

Few hours later here I am at the airport where Hunter inform me he will took of. I wait for him arrive for about fifteen minutes before I saw him out from a cab.

As I saw his get his thing out of the trunk I went to him from behind.

"Jon!" I called him.


This is a very miserable week I have ever had. I can't think straight. All I've done is throwing tantrums over a small thing. I can't help myself from letting anger conquer me. I wanna cancel my three day off that she had asked for us since I've got nothing to do. But Joe won't let me. He advice me to find some peace of mine and flew back to Vegas to cool down. I guess that wasn't a bad idea after all.

And that's where I am right now arriving at the airport to flew back home. I knew this will be hard to me because last time I come back home I had bring her with me. I lost in my own thought until I hear a female voice calling me. I knew that voice sound familiar to me.

"Jon!" I've turn around and my guess was right. It was her. Kylie. The only girl that manage to break my heart.

I ignore her and take my thing out of the trunk.

"Jon listen to me! I can explain! Give me your time!" She grab my hand and I pull it away before look at her.

"I don't have time for people like you!" I said harshly causing her expression turn to sad.

Damn it I hate making her sad. But I didn't have choice. I know how much I love her and I miss her. All I wanna do is pull her into me and hug the sense out of her. But I can't let my guard down. She's lying to me. She's been running around with another guy behind my back. And the worst part is that guy is also a well know guy from a wealthy family. I am nothing compared to him. It hurts like hell.

"Please Jon let me explain!" He pleaded. I closed the trunk and went to pay the taxi driver while ignoring her.

"You wanna do this a hard way! Fine!" She mad before pushing me causing my back to hit the cab.

"What are you doing? I said I don't wanna talk! How hard is that to understand!" I shot at her.

"I'm sorry!" She said and I look at her. Suddenly he lean and kiss me. Oh how I miss her kiss. The taste of her lips on mine. I give in and kiss her back.

"Come with me!" She said in between the kiss.

"I can't!" I push her away. He fight me back and kiss me roughly one more time before murmur "I'm sorry for this!" I furrowed my eyebrows before I felt something stung at my waist. It felt like.... electric.

My body got numb and I look at her puzzled before I look at her hand. A tazzer. She electric shock me causing my body to be weak. Last thing I know before I pass out he shove me back into the cab before telling the taxi driver to drive away.

Another cliffhanger😁😁😁
What do you guys think about her plan kidnappings Jon? 😅😅
Jon is too hard headed that's why she doesn't have any choice to do it! Hope you like this chapter and give it a vote ☆

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