Chapter 22

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Kylie POV

I wake up in the morning and saw Jon still fast asleep. I decided to go walking around for awhile to clear my mind after last night talk with Jon.

My heads hurt thinking bout it. Will he accept me if he know who the real me? Will he forgive me? We've been dating for months now and he still doesn't know my background life else than WWE.

I look at my phone and it was already 9:45 am. I decide to go back to my hotel room.

"Hey! Where are you going early this morning?" He kiss my temple.

"I went for a walk at the nearly park!" I try too fake a smile. But he notice something was wrong.

"What's going on honey?"


"I know you lie to me!" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not feeling very well today. I think I must have catch cold after last night!" I lied.

"I'm sorry!" He hug me.

"Why are you sorry?" I chuckle a bit.

"I shouldn't bring you there. See! Now you not doing well!" I feel guilty inside.

"It's okay Jon! I had a blast last night!" I kiss his cheek.

"Now you go to the gym with Joe and Colby. Ill wait here! Okay?" I demand.

"But you...!"

"Jon I can take care of myself. Beside I can call Dana to company me here!" I reassured him.

"Fine!" He kiss me before left and I call Dana tell her to come company me even if I'm not sick.

Few minutes later she come still in her pajamas.

"Are we going to have a slumber party?" She joke and I laugh.

"Totally Dan! We are going to have mix pajamas party x lazy day x cheat day!" I said as I bring her to the living room that set with a lot of food that I order from room service.

We sat at the couch and put the blanket over our body.

"What movie?" I asked her.

"Hmmm... Terminator Genesis sound good!"she said and I put it on. We grab some food and continue watch the movie.

After that movie finish both of us stand and stretch our self after sitting for long time.

"How was you and Jon?" She break the silence.

"We've been good. He's a good man!" I smile.

"I know he is. But he just try to hide his good side by trying to be this person that intimidate everyone! But when I look at him with you. He's different!" She smile.

"I know right!" I smile back at her.

"You don't know how much power you got to make him a happy man as he is right now."

"I know about it! Sometime I'm afraid! What if I'll hurt him?" I asked the question more to myself than her.

"You'll never do that if you love him!"

"I love him. And that was the thing is. What if our love can hurt each other?" I asked again.

"Hey! You guys love each other and that enough for both of you to keep this relationship. I know my brother wasn't the relationship kind of guy, but for you he'll do everything!" She hug me and I return her the favor.

"What about you? Have any special man you've been crushing?" I raised my eyes playfully and she was blushing.

"Nah! I'm good!" She playing with her finger.

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