Chapter 31

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I hold my fist tightly as I try to hold myself from launching to him.

He come to where we stand before giving Kylie a big hug. He hug her and spin her around while she giggling slightly making me more furious. She put her down and kiss her cheek once before look at her.

"Gosh! You look beautiful as always!" He smile at Kylie.

"You look not so bad yourself!" She arranging his tie after it get mess during their hug.

"Seriously I got a meeting tonight, but as soon as I heard the news! Boom! I cancelled it and book a flight back here! Kylie you are so gonna give me a hearth attack!" He said to her and she look at him with furrowed eyebrows. I seriously don't know what are they talking about.

"So! Engaged huh? Who's the lucky guy?" His head searching the room wildly before he look at me than at her parents beside me.

What does he mean engaged?

"Oh my gosh! Kylie! Don't tell me it's him!" He pointed at me causing me to startled. He went to where I stand and put his hand around my shoulder.

"You get engaged with your coworker the Dean Ambrose and I didn't even know! What kind of cousin are you? Show me the ring!" he said excitedly.

Cousin? Did I heard that right? All of this time she telling me the truth and I didn't believe her!

And engaged? Ring? What does he talking about?

My head is full of questions and I look at her while she blush red.

Before I can said a thing, suddenly the crowds sing happy birthday song while her brother Edward come to where we stand with a cake on his hand.

He was so shocked looking around him after saw his name was written on the cake. After the song finish he thanked Edward and Kylie before hugging her parents and greet the people that coming.

As I was standing there still absorbing what just happen. I feel someone touch my hand. I look at the person and it was Kylie.

She hold my hand before take me with her to the balcony. There is no one there accept us. Its away from the crowd. She let my hand go before look at me.

"I'm sorry Jon!" She sigh and look away from me before face me again with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm not Kylie that you thought I am!" She said again.

"I'm sorry I didn't told you about who I was really is! I didn't mean to do this. I'm about to tell you this before...!" She sob and I whip the tears away.

"But... remember the night we sneak out into the fancy mansion? I'm about to tell you back than but you said something about your thought about people like my family. And... and I become afraid to tell you. Because I thought if I tell you, you will leave me and... and...!" More tears skip her eyes.

I whip the tears away and hug her before kissing her forehead.

"Hey! Its okay! Its okay! Stop crying!" I comfort her.

"I'm sorry Jon! That's all you need to know. You are free to go now! I'm sorry I'm lie to you. You are free now!" She whip her tears and try to fake a smile before turning herself away.

But before she could take another step away I stop her by hugging her from behind.

"I'm sorry to said this sweetheart, but that is not how you get rid of me!" I whisper in her ear causing her to let a laugh a little while sobbing.

I take her hand and turn her around to make her look at me.

I hold both of her cheek.

"I'm sorry to. I'm sorry for didn't believe you! I should listen to you but I didn't. My ego is to big and I can't even think clearly. I'm so sorry honey!" I spill it out.

And she nod her head.

"Are we good now?" I asked and she nod her head.

"If it a yes now kiss me!" I smirk and she chuckle before lean in for a kiss.

That kiss was simple but yet so sweet. I miss this feeling! I miss holding her like this. I miss everything about us.

As we about to depend the kiss, suddenly we heard a throat clear. We pull away and saw his brother and his cousin Jacob standing there looking at us. I look at her and she was blushing.

"Eww gross! This is my birthday guys not a place for make out session!" Jacob tease her and she hid her face on my chest.

"So! Engaged huh? What a smart plan!" He added.

"Because I know you wouldn't come if I told you the truth! you didn't like to celebrate your birthday" She answer.

And that's explain a lot about the engaged part. She said she was getting engaged so her cousin will come to this party which is held for his birthday actually.

"Can I talk to you privately?" Her brother said suddenly causing me to get nervous.

"Yeah!" I answered him.

"Edward!" She said to her brother.

"Don't worry! I'm not gonna kill her Andy!" He roll his eyes at her.

"Andy?" I look at her curiously.

"For Andrea, he call me by my middle name!" She explain.

"No! I call you that because I want a brother!" He smile and she shook her head before grabbing Jacob hand and leave us alone.

Kylie POV

I was talking with some of the guest before I felt arm snaking around my waist. It was Jon.

"I'm sorry miss but I need to steal this lady for awhile" he kiss my temple and I blush.

He hold my hand and bring me to some more private place down the hall.

"What did he said to you?" I asked him concerned.

"Nah! Don't worry bout that!" He smirk at me.

"But I wanna know!" I pout.

"It just boys talk okay!" He assured me but I still wanna know.

"Baby stop pouting. you know i can't handle that right?" He sigh and I don't listen to him.

"Fine! He just warn me to not break your heart or he will torture me before killing me and throw my body away to feed the shark in the ocean" he answer and I laugh.

"Did he really said that?" I asked and he nod.

"Wow! I really wanna see that!" I chuckle.

"I'm sorry to tell you but that will never gonna happen again honey! You we're mine and I will never gonna hurt you again!" He said before kissing me and I smile in between the kiss.

"I love you!" He said causing my smile to be more brighter than earlier.

"I love you too!" I replied.

"So are you gonna return to WWE with me later?" He ask.

"Yeah! But let's take this day of for us first. I miss you so much!" I put my hand around his neck.

"I miss you so much too!" He said and kiss me again.

No more misunderstood!
How you guys feel bout that?
Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote.

There will be one more chapter before this book end. So keep reading 😉😉😉

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