Chapter 6

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'Knock knock' I heard someone knock on the door.

"Yes!" I yell.

"I'll wait for you downstairs if you ready" Jon said from the other side of the door.

"Oh! Okay!" I responded to him. I finish my final touch up of my make up before looking again at the mirror. I wear a maroon mini dress and paired it with a red/maroon heel. I just let my hair down the way I like it since I'm to lazy to curl or straighten it.

I hope I'm not dressing to much for this dinner. As I satisfied with my look, I went downstairs to tell Jon I'm ready. As I reach downstairs I saw Jon sitting at the sofa in the living room watching ESPN.

"Sorry if I'm making you waiting" I said to him.

As he realised I was there he stand up and turn around to face me.

"It's o- Wow!" He said suddenly shocked after he saw me.

"What? Is there something wrong with my look?" I asked him.

"Uhm... No!" He stated while making his way to me. But suddenly he stumble back to the sofa. Why he act so sloppy? I don't even know. Is there something in my face? Maybe. Shit! What if my make up went wrong?

"Jon what wrong with you?" I ask as I'm about to get mad.

He stand to his feet properly and say
"You look beautiful tonight"

Shoot me! I think I'm blushing after his compliment me.

"Let's go!" He said to me while offering his hand. And I just smile to him while tangled our hand.

"Is this count as our second date?" I asked him suddenly. Wait why did I asked that? Am I really looking forward to this 'second date' thing.

"Nope! But I think this is our first double date" he mention while looking at me and I just shrug to him.


The dinner went really well. I get to know Joe and Galina much more. And Galina can't stop asking about my relationship with Jon even though we got nothing special going on accept that we date once. She felt really excited for Jon and I don't understand why. And Joe... Well he is Joe! He can't stop messing around with Jon by telling me some of Jon funny moment. I guess that made Jon really embarrassed.


As we reach home it was around 10 already. I went to the bathroom and change to some short shorts and an oversize T-shirt. As I'm finished I get back to my bed room. Well our bedroom since I share it with him. I saw Jon sitting on the bed with his phone. Wow! He is shirtless and only on his basketball pants.

"Uhm... I take the couch" he stated after realise I was staring at him. As he pass true me I stop him by grab his wrist.

"Jon we're not kid anymore. I don't mind sharing bed with you" I said to him.

"Really?" He asked with a smirk.

"Jon before I change my mi..." I couldn't even finish my words he already put me in his shoulder before throw me to the bed.

"You crazy" I laugh at him.

"That's what they call me in the ring" he smile.

"Whatever! Good night!" I said to Jon before turning around and let my back facing him.

"Good night!" He replied back before kissing my forehead and went to the side of his bed. Oh Jon! How sweet could you be sometime?

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