Chapter 21

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Kylie POV

Finally we arrived at Tampa Florida. Monday Night Raw will be held here again. We went straight to out hotel room. We decide to have a big ass hotel room which have three bedroom for all of us. Me and Jon sharing a room while Dana and Colby have their own.

It was Sunday and we got nothing to do after hitting the gym. We get back to our hotel room and saw Dana watching tv.

"Hey! How's your ankle?" I greet her.

"Getting better!" She shrugs.

"By the way, Joe is stopping by earlier before you guys came. And he invite us for a dinner tonight. He will text the address later" she inform us.


Joe had text Jon the address and now we are getting ready to leave.

"You should wear button up shirt more Jon! You look freaking hot in it!" I look at him while helping him buttoned his shirt.

"Nah! I like wear t-shirts more because it way more comfy. By the way, remember the last time you help me buttoned up my shirt?" He smirk at me and I rolled my eyes at him before hit him at his chest.

"We need to go now!" I said to him before leave.


As we arrived at the restaurant we saw Joe and his wife Galina sitting at the corner of the restaurant. We went to where they sit before both of them greet us.

"What a surprise! I never thought this could be a triplet date since Colby bring his lady!" Galina smile looking at Colby and Dana. As I look at them both, their face was getting brighter red with a shy smile. But that funny moment, which I thought funny cause they wasn't even date has to be ruin after Jon clear his throat.

"Uhm... Galina! I would like you to meet my baby sister, Dana! Dana this is Joe wife Galina!" He introduce them.

"I don't know Jon has a sister which is also Colby's date!" She said while shaking her hand.

"Uhm... we're not dating!" Dana shyly answer her making Galina startled.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! But you've both look like a couple!" She inform as we all sit down.

"See! I told you so they look cute together!" I whisper to Jon causing him to look at me before I laugh.

"What happen?" Joe asked me.

"Just telling Jon a funny joke" I laugh looking at Jon.

After we finish dinner me and Jon decide to walk back to our hotel. Jon told Colby to take care of her sister. He had been give that poor man a pep talk for nearly 10 minutes before get to where I stand.

"What took you so long?" I playfully asked him.

"Make sure he wasn't making the wrong move!" He replied before holding my hand.

The night was peaceful as me and Jon walking along the street. No one notice who we are yet which is great I think. We barely do this. Walking with someone you love at night under the light of the moon, star and the street light of course. It feel so romantic.

"This is perfect!" I break the silence between us and he look at me.

"I know right! Walking around at night with my beautiful half significant!" His words make me stop dead at my track. I felt butterfly in my stomach.

Did he just called me his significant half?

"Hey! What's wrong?" He asked me sound concerns.

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