Chapter 27

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Is this really happen to me?

Am I dreaming right now?

I can't believe this! I walk back to my locker room still crying from earlier incident. The crowd already filling the arena. My match against Emma will be the first one for tonight.

I'm already in my attire. As I reach the locker room, I saw my thing was already outside the door. I cry harder seeing it. I knock the door crying.

"Jon I know you in there!" I knock out loud but he didn't respond.

"Jon please! Talk to me! Can explain!" I knock again.

Suddenly the door flung open and Jon was standing there with a mad expression.

"Jon let me explain!" I hold his arm but he push me away.

"Explain what? Huh!" He yell. I was startled and sobbing.

"He was just... he's just my cousin! Jacob is my causing!" I cry.

"You know what? I'm tired of you lying to me! Don't make any lame excuse by saying he's your causing because I know him not!" He growl.

"Jon please. He is really my cousin!" I pleaded.

"Cousin huh? Do cousin kiss cousin? No right? Than why the fuck did you kiss that guy!" He yell and punching the crate beside him.

"He is my cousin! Were not kissing! That picture was taken on the right angle until it make us look like we kissing!"

"Bullshit! I don't believe you! I said it before and I said it again! We are over! There's no more us!" With that he left to somewhere else while I'm crying calling for his name.

For once I hope he turn his back to me again and said that he didn't mean it. But no! He didn't do it.

I went to the divas locker room and everyone was eyeing me. I was really look like a mess right now. I'm pretty sure my mascara was already streaming down my face after crying so hard.

One bye one the divas leaving the locker room.

"Becky!" I call her and she stop at her track before looking at me and shook her head. They all leave me. I cry harder not just because I lost my boyfriend but also my best friend.

I went to the ladies room and wash my face. I try too recover my make up back but my teats won't stop. This is so much pain for me. I look at my blood shot eyes at the mirror trying to contain my self and getting ready for my match.

-JJ Azalea vs Emma match-

Emma got the upper hand over me. I can't focus 100% in this match. All my move was very sloppy. Until I got a chance to duplex her. I do it over and over again. As she still lying on the mat, I climb to the top turnbuckle to do a moonsault over her. My eyes was blurry and a little bit dizzy after crying a lot and the super kick that she deliver to me earlier. As I stand at the turnbuckle, I lost her. She didn't lay on the mat anymore.

I look around and realize she was behind me. She punch me square in the face causing me to loose balance and fall to the third ring before my head crash down to something hard. I don't know what did my head hit but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the mat. After blinking my eyes few time my vision went black.

I open my eyes to see a bright light causing me to shut my eyes back. My head feel so dizzy. I reopen my eyes slowly and look around. I saw a blurry figure wearing white. I can't see clearly.

"Where am I?" I asked the person.

"Miss Angelo. I'm glad your up. I'm Dr Mario. You at the hospital" the man spoke.

"What? How? What happen?" I asked.

"You hit your head hard on the floor after falling hard from the top turnbuckle. So the medic team had send you here!" The doctor told me and I recall back my match against Emma.

"When can I leave?" I asked again.

"You can leave when you ready. But, I'm sorry to told you that you had a small concussion after the fall. And I advise you to not get into the ring for two weeks!"

"What?" I sigh.

"Its for your own good miss. I'm sorry. This is your drugs prescription. You need to take this on time 24/7" he hand me a paper and I take it.

After awhile, a nurse come and hand me a paper for me to sign to discharge. I was still in my ring gear which is a black denim short and a plain black tank.

After the nurse leave, the door flung open. I look at the person and saw Emma.

"Kylie I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too!" She apologize.

"Its okay! It wouldn't happen if I wasn't loose my focus!" I try to smile to her.

"I'm still feel sorry though. What can I help you to make you feel better?" She asked again.

"Emma you don't have to do anything!" I reassured her.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Well. Have you bring any extra clothes?"

"Oh yeah!" She said and searching true her bag.

"Here!" She hand me a hoodie and I thanked her.

After I put the hoodie on, the door once again flung open.

"Oh my gosh Kylie are you okay!" A male voice said.

"I look at him. Jacob.

"I'm okay I guess!" I replied at him.

"What the doctor said?" He asked.

"I need to take two weeks off since I got concussion." I told him and he sit beside me.

I saw Emma looking at him weirdly and remember about what happen tonight.

"Uhm! Jacob, this is Emma my coworker. Emma this is Jacob. My... cousin" I introduce them. The said hi to each other before Jacob received a phone call and went out off the room.

"Oh gosh Kylie! I'm so sorry! We judge you too early before hear your explanation!" She said to me.

"Its okay Em!"

"But Jon need to know this!" She added.

"I already told him and he didn't believe me!" Tears start to fall again.

"I will help you!" She added but I shook my head.

"Its okay Em! It's our problem. I think we better off like this. I can't stay with the person who don't trust me!" I wipe my tears.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked me.

"I'm gonna take the two weeks off away from WWE I guess!" I replied and she nod.

"Your dad call and asked you to go home with me now! He already set the private jet for us. We gonna take off in an hour!" Jacob inform me and I nod.

"Can you promise me to not tell anyone about this?" I asked her.

"But they need to know this so they don't get the wring thought as Lisa told us!" She argue.

"I know. But please just don't. I will tell them by myself later!" I sigh.

"If you said so!" She smile.

"Can you help me get my thing at the hotel?" I asked for her help and she said yes.

After tonight I don't know if I can face him anymore. After what we had been thru. I thought he really love me. Because if he does, he wouldn't believe other person than me. But no he don't. For the second time ever I feel betray by the guy I very love the most.

I told Hunter and Stephanie about my two weeks off and take off the flight with Jacob to Texas. I did t even bother to told anyone since they all didn't trust me. The only person that know about my real secret is Emma. I told her everything and she understand it. She also promise not to tell anyone about it.

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