Chapter 7

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As I push Jon away from me i look at the person that stand beside us.

"Joseph Leati Anoai! You freaking me out! "
I mad at him.

"What? " he asked looking at me smirking.

"I thought you were someone else! "

"So? What if I'm someone else? " he asked again. I look at Jon so he can explain.

"We kind of keep our 'date' thing as s secret" Jon explain causing Joe to said 'oh' to his answer.

I leave the boys behind and went to catering. I sit at the table with Paige, Becky, and Ashley.

"Do you have match tonight? " Paige asked.

"I don't know yet. But I think I no! " I replied.

"So are you a heel or face? " Becky asked.

"I hope the authority will let me be a heel. I had been faces for long time. It's time to make changes! " I shrugs.

"Wow! We can be tag team partner if you be a heel" Ashley said and I give her high five.

We were talking about random stuff while eating our meals before we had been interrupt.

"AJ Azalea! The authority office now! " a guy yell to me.

"What did I do this time? " I asked him.

"I don't know and I don't care! " he shrugs before leaving.

"I better off now! " I said to them.
*Authority Office*

Knock knock...

"Come in! " Stephanie said. I nter her office and she motion me to sit.

"I just want to ask you a question. How would you feel if we make you a heel? " she asked me. My face lighten up and answer her immediately.

"I really like the idea! " I reply with a smile.

"Good! So this is your script for tonight. This was my husband last minute idea after he saw you earlier practising with the guys! " she smile.

I read the script there and shocked myself.

"So I'm the guest referee? " I asked her and she nod.

"The real official cant make it here tonight. So at the end of the game the spotlight will be all on you. And don't worry,  the boys will help you." She explain.

"Great! If that will be all I need to go" I said and she let me go.

"And one more thing Kylie! Don't tell Jon and Joe about this. We want their reaction to be shocked as the crowd also" she raised her eyebrows and I motion to zip locked my mouth before leave.

As I was walking down the hall way my phone was buzzing. I open it and saw I got text from Jon.

'Meet me at my locker room - Jonathan'

'B right there -Kylie' I replied.

I skip down the hall and knock on his door before he open.

"What's up? " I asked him.

"Just missing my favourite diva! " he smirk while locking the door.

"Yeah right! Where's Joe? " I asked him.

"He went to pick her daughter up from school. So I'm here alone and I want you to hang out with me" he explain.

I sit at the couch at his locker room and motion him to sit beside me.

"So what you wanna do? " I asked him and he shook his head motioning he don't know what to do. I sigh and take my phone out.

"What you doing?" He asked me.

"Checking the internet life" I said to him opening my Instagram.

I keep looking thru my feeds and liking other diva and superstars post while Jon was leaning his head on my shoulder looking to my phone too. We laugh at the other funny pics and this time Jon took my phone and scrolling down. After half an hour he end up stalking Cena Instagram post.

"What does he mean by posting all of this pic? " Jon asked me.

"I have no idea at all! " I replied him. Cena post is really weird. Sometime he posted quote and sometime he posted random weird pic.

"Have you ever go down to NXT? " I asked him.

"Yeah! Once in two month I wil go down there to train them" he shrugs.

"Who's your favourite down there? "

"Balór I think. you?" He asked me.

"I like Enzo. He's a freaky one.  And the hairstyle btw is dope!" I smirk at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Girls with their crush" he rolled his eye. I grab my phone away and search for Enzo page.

"This is by far my favorite post he ever posted on Instagram!" I laugh and handed Jon my phone so he could see the post. It was a video of him and one of his friend dancing to Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd.

We laugh at the post and watch it over and over again.

"Oh my gawd! This is hilarious! I will never do this in a million years" he said while still laughing.

"He's a good dancer you know. I really want to dance with him one day if I have a chance!" I said causing Jon to stop laughing and looking at me.

"No can do bebeh" he shook his head and I playfully punch him in his chest.

"Let's take a picture" I said to him and setting my front camera onn. But he his his face on my shoulder.

"Just one Jon please!" I pleaded.

"Fine!" He groan before looking at the phone.

As I was about to snap the picture he move his face to looking at me. So the picture end up with me looking at the camera and he staring at me with a smile.

"Wow Jon! You look cute!"

"I'm not cute!" He growl and grab me by my waist while he lay down on the couch and put me on top of him.

"Let's take a nap for a while" he said closing his eye.

"Okay!" I said before pecking his lips. I can feel he was smiling before I let go of him. I lay my head in his chest and fall asleep.

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