Chapter 26

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I wake up in the morning and smell a delicious latte aroma. I went to the kitchen seeing Jon sitting at the stool while drinking his coffee.

"I bought you breakfast!" He inform me and I smile.

"Thank you darling!" I Peck him causing him to smile at me back.

He buy me breakfast set from McDonald with a latte. I finish my breakfast before went to the bathroom and do my morning routine. As I'm finish getting ready I sit beside Jon who is sitting at the couch watching tv.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked him since we didn't even have plan for today else than tapping Smack Down for tonight.

"I don't feel like doing anything. I just wanna spend time here with you!" He look at me.

"Okay! Wanna watch movie?" I asked and he nod.

"Can we watch The Hobbit marathon? I love that movie so much!" I asked again.

"Whatever you said my love!" He kiss my temple and I put the movie on.

We spend the whole day laying on the floor watching movie in each other embrace. I really enjoy his company even we just sitting doing nothing. I really don't want to go for tapping tonight. But I got a match against Emma while he got a match with Jericho.

"Babe! I'm to lazy to go to work!" I groan in his chest as the last movie ended.

"I know babe! But we have too!" He chuckle.

"Okay fine!" I try to stand up but he's to fast and pull me back to him causing me to straddle him.

"I love you Kyle Andrea Angelo!" He said suddenly.

"I love you too Jonathan Good!" I said before lean to give him a sweet kiss.

We walk in together into the arena while our hands hold each other. As we enter the arena, I suddenly have a bad feeling that tonight will not gonna end well. All of my happiness I felt today lost as the bed feeling taking me over.

"What happen babe?" He asked me worried.

"Nothing!" I give him a fake smile trying to shook my bad feeling away. Maybe I just over thinking about this situation.

"Jon I need to get some water at the catering!" I inform him before left our locker room.

As get the water, I walk back down the hall to our locker room before I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize.

"Well well well! Look who we got here!" I look at the person and realize it was Lisa.

"You know what? I take back what I just said. I'm not sorry!" I shot to her back.

"How rude are you!" She glare at me.

"Not as rude as you!" I smirk.

"Listen here girl! Just because Jon is your boyfriend, that doesn't mean I haven't have a chance with him!" She smirk back at me. I don't understand what she was saying.

"That's where you wrong Lisa! Jon is mine. Mine and only. He will never gonna leave me for girl like you!" I snap at her.

"Oh really? I don't think Jon will stick around with you longer after he know his beloved girlfriend has cheating over him!" She fake a laugh.

"What an idiot you are! I never cheat over him!" I mad at her words.

"Whatever! We'll see bout that tonight!" She said before walking away.

This girl is really getting in to my nerve. How can she said Jon gonna leave me because I'm cheating with other guy. She is really delusional if she think Jon will come to her.

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