Chapter 11

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Oh shit!

I push Becky away from the door and enter the bathroom.

"What was that?" Jon asked.

"why didn't you lock the door?" I shot back and he just shrugs before laugh and I laugh with him to.

"Okay let's get you back to my room"

"the girls still outside right?"

"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll shielding you from them" I turn to open the door but then Jon put his hand on my waist pulling me to him. My back was now on his bare chest.

"did you know the girls will have a dirty mind looking at us like this right?" he whisper in my ear.

"You know what best?" I smirk looking at him "they still taught I dated Colby" now Jon joining me smirk. We decided to do a little prank on the girls. He peck my lips before we get out from the bathroom seeing Paige and Becky cross their hand on their chest asking for explanation.

I walk to my room which just a few feet away while he following from behind. I motion him to get into the room before look back at the two girls that still waiting for my explanation.

"What the he'll kylie!" Paige shot me.

"Colby will be mad about this!" Becky added.

"why you cheating over him with his bestfriend?" Paige said again.

That's it. I can't hold my laugh anymore. I laugh my ass off until I fall to the floor. My stomach was hurt for laughing too much.

"What the heck?" Becky shot.

I try to retain myself from my laughter and stand on my feet.

"so what you guys gonna do? Tell Seth?" I asked them. They look at each other and remain silence.

"that's what I thought! You guys need to shut your mouth. understand!" I demand.

"so you think we gonna help you with this? No way!!" Paige shot back.

Suddenly Jon get out from the bedroom fully clothed.

"if you need anything I'll be at the gym with the boys!" he said before he left.

As he got out from our room both of their eyes stair at me back. Suddenly the door crack open again and Jon come back in.

"What now Ambrose?" Becky shot at him.

"I forget something!" he said before went to where I was standing and give me a sweet kiss and took off again. I bit my bottom lips shooking my head looking at him.

"Care to explain now!" Paige mad.

"what? Can't I kiss my boyfriend now!" I shot back.

"your what?" She asked shocked.

"yeah you heard me. He's my boyfriend not Seth!" I told them.

"Oh my Gosh Kylie! Are yoh out of your mind?" Becky shot back at me.


"seriously. Ambrose?" She said again.

"so why?"

"nothing! I'm just shocked!"

"Out of all the superstars in the locker room why him?" Paige asked.

"Well, he's cute wasn't him?" I raised my eyebrows playfully.

"Wait wait wait! So does he the one that do the sweet little thing for you?" Becky asked.

"All of it!" I nod.

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