Chapter 8

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*Smack Down main event*

Roman,  Dean and all the member of The League Of Nation was already in the ring. I was standing at the gorilla waiting for my music to blast. As my music blew off the arena I make my way to the ring as Lilian Garcia introduce me as a guess referee. I was on my high waisted black denim short and wearing an official crop top. I enter the ring receiving a smirk on Dean face. He mouthed me 'nice shirt' at me before I signaling for the game to begin.

The match was ended the way we practice earlier.  Dean pick up the win by pinning Del Rio. I raise both of Roman and Dean hands in the air. The member of LON was outside the ring.  They know the plan after this.  I nod my head motioning them to do the next plan.

All of then four attack Roman and Dean. They were struggling for a but then LON got the upper hand. Sheamus and Rusev got Roman knock out of the ring leaving Dean alone there.  Wade and Del Rio both was grabbing Dean hand. Sheamus laugh at him before motion me to do my job. I look at the crowd before giving them a really bad smirk I can pull of. I stand few feet in front of Dean before open my arms like Sheamus always does. I ran to Dean before delivered the brogue kick to him. Than the member  LON and I was celebrating what we done at the ring while the crowd was booing us.

After done changing I went to the boys locker room.  I heard loud sound from the room like something was crash.  I hurried myself enter the room only to see the room was already damaged. Joe stand behind Jon while Jon was still hitting the table using a baseball bat.

"What happen? " I asked. Dean stop and look at me with anger all over his face.

"Why did you do that?" He yell at me. Oh! So he mad because of me.

"Jon its not her fault" Joe said to him.

"Let me explain" I said to him.

"I trust you and this what you did to me?" He asked before hitting the wall behind me.

"You need to calm down!" Joe said to him. I felt really afraid to him. I never saw him act like this before.

"How can I calm down when she humiliate me out there? It's embarrassing me to get beat by a girl.  Why did you do that?" He yell again.

"Answer me!" He yell again but I was to numb to answer. He hit the wall one more time before leaving.

"It's not your fault okay. I need to check him up" Joe said to me leaving me there.

I was crying myself out. I never thought he will mad at me like this. I don't know how long I've been there until I heard someone sit beside me.

"Are you okay lass?" He asked me.  It was Stephen. He put his arms around me and I cry into his shoulder.

"Wanna tell me what happen?" He asked me and I shook my head no. But than I sigh and tell him about Jon mad at me. Than he try to comfort me by saying that Jon used to be like that. Once he had been betrayed he will get angry to the person for months. And that what happen to Seth at the past he told me. I can't do this! I like Jon. How can I work here when knowing he'll hate me and don't want to talk to me?

"It's late already. I need to go and so are you" Stephen said.

"I leave later. You go first" I said try to force a smile and he just nod. But than I realise I was sharing a room with Jon at Joe house. Guess I'm going to stay here for the night.

Dean POV

I've been stay at the bar since few hours ago. Than I realise my phone went off.

"Talk!" I answer lazily.

"Dean where are you. It's getting late!" I heard Joe said at the end of the phone.

"I'm at the bar!"

"Are you with Kylie?" He asked.

"No! Why would I after she done that to me? " I replied.

"Oh gosh Jon! She's not home yet and it's 2 in the morning.  Where would she be right now?" He asked concern. 

"Maybe she with the other diva!" I stated to him.

"I call all of her diva friends and they said they don't see her after smack down finish tapping" Joe explain. Okay now I'm getting worried.  Where will she be at this time? I shouldn't mad at her like that! Shit what did I do?

I hung up the phone and went out from the bar before someone stop me.

"If you try to search her try check at your locker room! Last time I saw her she was drowning in her own tears there!" Stephen told me.

I ran as fast as I can to my car and drive to the arena. As I reach the arena I went straight to my locker room only to saw her lying there unconscious. I pick her up and bring her back home.

I put her in our bed.  She look terrible. Her make up was running down her face. She must be crying so hard.

The memory of us laughing earlier today come back to me. How can I make the girl that I had a crush on laughing and crying at the same day?

Suddenly Galina enter the room and offer to help her change while told me to wait outside.

I went out only to find myself arguing about how I reacted towards her with Joe. He was beyond pissed.

Kylie POV

After that day I had been travelling and rooming with Becky. I left Joe house early morning before Jon even wake up yet. I told Joe that I needed time and he understand me.

Everyday I will receive a red rose flower and an apology note from Jon in front of my door. At least he know I love roses and my favorite color is red. Seems like he does paying attention when o talk sometime. Becky asking me who had send the flower but I didn't feel like to tell her.

I've been ignoring him everyday. I still not ready yet to facing him.  It feel like I'm afraid of him. But at the same time I also miss him so much.

I just finish my match during a house show and skipping around the hall way before someone grab my wrist and pull me to get in a dark room.

The light went on and reveal the person. It was Jon. Of course!

"What?" I asked him sound like I'm afraid? I don't know.

"Why you ignoring me?" He asked.

"I need time away from you" I replied.

"Almost one week you had been ignoring me. Please Kylie don't do this to me. I'm so sorry if I make you scared. I how you receive my gift for you" he force a smile.

"I taught you mean it when you said you like me!" I stated from no where.

"I mean every single of it. Please give me a chance to prove it to you"

"I don't know Jon. I was just start to believe you but then you did this to me.  I just doing my freaking job you know?" I said in low voice.

"I know. And that is why I'm so sorry! Can you forgive me?" He asked while holding both of my hand and look me in the eye.  Gosh his eyes really beautiful.

"Okay fine! But you must prove it to me how much I mean to you" I said to him causing him to smile at my reply.

"I will show you how much you mean to me.  Thank you baby!" He said that before giving me a long sweet kiss. Gosh how I miss the softness of his lips when we kissed. After that he let go of me with a big smile on his face. I hope he mean every single words he said time or else I'll kill him!

Hiya!!!  Double update for this week because I reach 200+ readers. Thank you all for readings.  It mean a lot to me! Please leave your thought on the comment sectionIt will help a lot I believe! 😘😘😘
I love you all thank you

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