Chapter 16

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This chapter was dedicated to zanzanxin
thank you for voting😉

I wake up realising that i was snuggling on Jon bare chest. I rub my eyes before look at him. He look peacefully sleeping and I smile to that.

We we're lying barely naked only with the comforter covering our body. I sit back and see our clothes from last night we're lying everywhere. The memory of last night when we make love to each other for the first time draw a smile on my face. It really worth the wait.

Suddenly I felt and arm grabbing me to go back lying with Jon.

"Stay!" He said in his husky sleepy voice while his eyes still shut. Boy that was such a turn on!

I snuggle into the crook of his neck.

"I love you Jon!" I murmured.

"I love you too!" He replied back.

"We need to wake up!"

"Still early!" He shot back.

"It's 11:30 am Jon. Its almost noon!" We need to go to gym!" I chuckle looking at him while holding my body up with my hands. Finally he open his eyes and smirk when he look at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"That's my favorite view I ever see when I wake up!" He smirk.

"Pervert!" I shot him before pulling the comforter to cover my bare chest.

"But you love this pervert!" he said while pushing me down in bed while half of his body on top of mine. I chuckle at him.

"You know you lucky I love you!" I replied.

"Im the luckiest guy ever!" He said before kissing me. He pull away from me and his smirk face was on.

"What?" I asked.

"And that's how I mark my territory!" He said pointing at my neck. I narrowed my eyebrows doesn't understand what he mean.

"I made a huge hickey here!" He said pointing to my neck where he had suck the most last night.

I stand up and wrap the comforter at my body before went to the mirror.

"Damn!" I said. It was huge hickey. You can notice it from a mile away. "I need a lot of Concealer to cover this!" I said to Jon.

"This is all your fault!" I jump on top of him causing him to laugh.

"That is my work of art!" He said before sucking on it again.

"Jon!" I moan his name and push him away.

"That sexy you know! Moaning my name!" He smirk.

"I hate you!" I lay back at the side of my bed.

"Im sorry!" He said and I just look at him.

"Let me make it up to you!" He kiss me again.

"No! Your 'let me make it up to you' just gonna make it worst!" I push him.

"But you didn't push me last night!" He smirk again and I punch his chest playfully.

"We need to get ready for the gym!" I said and he groan.

"Fine!" He said before getting up and pick his boxer from the floor.

As I look behind him I took a deep breath and my eyes wide open look at his back.

"I guess my work of art much more greater than you babe! And that is how I mark my territory!" I smirk at him and he look at me confuse.

"Why don't you look your self at the mirror!"

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