Chapter 13

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Kylie POV

I wake up with the worst headache ever! My head is killing me. I put my hand on Jon side of the bed but he wasn't there.

I sit down and realise I still wear the same dress as last night. I went to the bathroom and do my morning routine before changing into a shorts short and Jon shirt that I found lying on top of his luggage. Gosh his shirt eat my body. It was too big and stop at my mid thigh. I take some aspirin to loose my crazy headache from last night incident.

As I walk into the hotel living room, I saw Jon sleep on the couch.

"Jon!" I run my hand thru his hair as I sit beside him. He open his eyes looking around him before he look at at me back.

"Why you sleep here?" I asked him.

"Didn't you remember last night?"

"What happen last night?" I narrowed my eyebrows looking at him.

"Honey you kick me out of the room! You said random thing to me?" He answered.

Did I do that last night? I asked myself.

"What thing did I said to you?"

"You said you hate me!" Once again I narrowed my eyebrows "and you said that I got someone else than you!" He stated looking straight to my eyes.

Shit! Why did I told him that? I become silent and look away from him but he tilted my chin and make me look at him.

"Why did you said so squirt?" He asked

"Why didn't you bring me with you yesterday?" I shot back.

"Not this again! I asked you first!" His tone harsh.

"That's why I said so! Jon you didn't want me to go there yesterday because you got eyes on other chick there!" I stand up and take a few step away from him.

"What?" He laugh before continue, "Why did you said so?" He asked again.

"It's clear that you don't wanna be seen with me down there because you got eyes on someone else!" I replied him.

He stand up and walk to me before he put both of his hand at my shoulder. He shook his head no.

"I don't have eyes on other chick if that was this all about okay!" He reassured me.

"Then why didn't you bring me?" I tilted my head to him.

"Because. I'm afraid. other guys. have their eyes on you!"

Wow! I didn't expect that!

I become silent before he talk again.

"Happy now?" He asked and I shook my head. He frown looking at me.

"Why?" He asked.

"One day I still wanna meet Enzo!" I stated causing him to sigh.

"You really had a thing on him right?" He asked.

"Don't worry Deano! It just something fan girl thing. I still like you a lot. Even you could be pain in the arse sometimes!" I roll my eyes playfully.

Then he connect our forehead together.

"I like you a lot Kylie! I don't know why but I do like you a lot! I know you might heard about my past from others but I'm willing to change for you. All I need is you to trust me. I know it's not easy but at least please trust me!" He wish loud enough for me to hear.

I put my hands around his neck and hug him closer to me.

"If that what you said I'll trust you then! But if you don't keep your words I will get help from other superstars to break all your bone in you body before killing you. Then I will throw your dead body one the ocean!" I wish per back and he chuckle listening to my words.

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