Chapter 28

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Shattered, broken, hurt, pain.

That's all I've felt since yesterday. Since I've arrived home yesterday morning I never leave my room.

All I do is crying. I hope i can make the pain that i feel in my heart go. But I can't. I love that man so much in this past few months. Being without him feels like I can't breath with no air. He is like a drugs to me. Like the oxygen to my lungs. I can't live without him.

I felt betrayed by him. How could he believe Lisa than me. How could he said it over without hearing my explanation?

And now here I am. Crying in the bathroom. I don't know how long I had been here. I don't know how am I going to face my family. I don't know how am I going to face the world again.

I turn off the shower and put the robe on and went to my bedroom. There I saw my brother sitting in my bed.

"What happen?" He asked.

"I'm not allowed to get in to the ring for two weeks" I answer.

"I know that. But why you act like this? You didn't leave your room since yesterday. You barely eat. Your eyes is bloodshot like you just crying! What happen?" He walk to me arm crossed to his chest.

"Nothing! I'm just disappointed for being away this two weeks!" I lied.

"Who do you think you talk to? Andy I'm your brother! I know this wasn't about that. There's something else causing you act like this! You know you can tell me everything right?" He put both of his hand on my shoulder.

I look at him and start crying again.

"I...I...!" Is just all I manage to said before I kneel on the floor. He sit beside me and hug me.

"What happen baby sis?" He asked softly.

"Its hurt Edward! It felt so hurt!" I cry at his shoulder.

"Who hurt you?" He asked again.

"H...him" is all I manage to said.

"Who is him?" His voice sound mad.

He doesn't know about me and Jon. I never told him that because I know how he will act when I told him that. He will come and meet him if he know that. And that the last thing I wish he would ever done because during that time I didn't want Jon to meet Edward. If Edward show up, I'm afraid Jon find out about the real me. The life that I don't want other people to know yet.

Edward had been overprotective with me since my last relationship with Henry didn't end up well. He will always monitor the guy that I had been friend with since that.

Only my mom and dad know about Jon. I made them promise me to not told Edward until I'm ready. Clearly I'm going to introduce them with each other during Jacob birthday party. But I guess that's not gonna happen anymore.

"Andy tell me who is him?" He growl. I take a deep breath and told him about everything that happen. The misunderstood.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard!" He tighten his fist.

"Edward don't! You don't need to do that! Thing already happen!"

"You think I'm gonna let this one slip just like that?" He asked me.

"For me please!" I pleaded. I don't want him to hurt Jon. I know I mad at him right now but I can't let Edward do that to him.

"Let me solve this by myself!" I reassured him.

"I can't promise that!" He replied.

"He hurt you. And it's hurt me to see you hurt like this!" He added.

"I know Ed! But please, do this for me. Don't hurt him!" I cry.

"If that will make you feel better!" He sigh.


I was sitting at the bench in my mom flower garden staring blankly at a red roses. It remind me of the first fight me and Jon had ever have. He apologize by sending me a rose and a note every single day until I forgive him. Thinking about it make my tears stream down my face.

"You need to go out!" A male voice said to me. I look at him.

"I don't feel like getting out Edward!" I replied.

"If you didn't do things it will only make you think about him. Go out and find other thing to distract you from thinking about him!" He said while he sit beside me.

"I don't know Ed!" I sigh.

"I got something to tell you!" He spoke again and I look at him.

"Remember when you make me promise to not do thing to him?" He asked.

Oh no! Did he just break his promise?

"What is it Edward! Don't said you already do things!" I look at him.

"Well! I'm not doing things. Yet!" He replied.

"Then what you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Lets make a deal! I don't touch that man if you take your place at the office!"

"What? Ed you know well I'm not interested in business!" I shot him.

"I know! But it's about time Andy. You need to claim what's yours. I need my sister back. I don't want to see you hide the real you. You are part of this family!" He argue.

"I know Edward but it's hard for me. I don't want to live this way! It wasn't suit me! I can't live with people look at me like I'm a pot of gold!"

"Its the reality! This is your life. All of this time you just pretend to live in someone else life! This is you! You need to be strong to face the reality!" He stand up from his seat.

"I don't know if I can do that Ed!"

"Of course you can! Look at you now! You are a WWE wrestler! You doubt that before you could be in WWE but look where you are now! And I bet you can face this easily! You are part of the Angelo!" he smile at me.

"You we're right. No more hiding for me!" I said and he hug me.

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