Chapter 12

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It's been a week since me and Jon was official. Since than I've been traveling with him and sometimes Joe will also join us. We also sharing hotel room together.

It's Tuesday. Jon was scheduled to go down to the NXT training center.

"Can I go with you please?" I asked him.

"For what?" he asked.

"I just wanna go down there and pay a visit. Beside I never go there!" I pouted.

"You got something under your sleeve right?" he asked knowing what I got in my mind. I make a shocked face.

"What you mean by that?" I asked him.

"I know you got something else planned. If you not telling me what that's all about I'm not gonna bring you with me!" he stated.

"Fine! I wanna meet Enzo and Cass!" I admitted. Hey don't judge me! They were my favorite down there.

"I knew it!"

"So can I go with you?" I smirk at him.

"Still no!" he replied.

"But you said if I tell you why you gonna bring me with you!" I pouted again.

"I said so! But I'm not promising anything right?" he smirk.

"Jon!" I mad at him.

"I'm sorry babe but not today!" with that he left me after leave a kiss at my forehead.

I really mad at him. It's not a big deal for me to go down there and meet Enzo and Cass right? Fine! If that what you said so.

I went to the gym and waste my time at there. After hours of training Paige come to me.

"Hey wanna grab lunch together?"
"Sure! Let me grab my thing first" I said.

Me and Paige went to grab lunch at this little cafe not far from our hotel.

"Why so grumpy today?" Paige shot suddenly.

"Jon!" is all I manage to said.

"Ha! First Girlfriend boyfriend fight huh?" she said before took a spoon of her lunch.

"He's not bring me to NXT training center today. I beg him about hundreds time but he won't listen" I admitted.

"Why you wanna go there?"

"I wanna meet Enzo and Cass!" I smile sheepishly.

"That's the reason why he didn't bring you" Paige stated.

"Why so?" I asked.

"Jealousy!" she said causing me to burst into a laughter.

"Paige you need to be serious. Did you see Jon as the jealousy type? No!" I said to her.

"Who knew right? He's change a lot since you come here!"

"What that's supposed to be mean?" I tilted my head.

"He might not admit this but he's so whipped by you! Jon never act like that before. And it clear for us to see. The whole locker room know he's not the boyfriend type. He don't stick to one girl. But you come here and hey! He's change!" Paige explain.

"So do you think I'm being a bad influence to him?" I asked.

"What I'm saying is you got him wrapped around your finger. He been following you like a lost puppy!"

"What if I'm just some kind of game to him?" I asked her.

"Why you said so?" She asked me.

"If he whipped by me why won't he bring me down there? And... Oh my Gosh!" I said stop my sentence and look at her.

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