Chapter 4

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He. Freaking. KISS. ME!!!

His soft lips touch mine! What should I do?

After 5 second his lips on mine I start to kiss him back. It feel really sweat. It was different then other kiss I ever have in my life.

Without I realise, one of his hand start to to rubbing my back and the other one was rubbing my cheek softly. As we depend the kiss I start to move my hand tugging his hair while the other one rubbing his bare chest. Our kiss turn to be much more passionate then before. We were kissing like there's no tomorrow. We kissing until we running out of breath.

As we fell apart from the kiss. Both of us try to catch our breath. I look at Jon and he look at me back. I don't know what to do. It's feel a little bit awkward there.

"I'm sorry I have to go!" I said leaving him there while open the door. But it's too late. He grab my wrist and I look at him.

"I'll walk you to your room" Jon said finally and I just nod.

We walk to the elevator in silent. Awkward silent I guess. As we reach to my hotel room floor, the elevator door open and there is Lana outside it. Great! Just great! He look a bit confuse in her face as Jon and I walk pass thru her. But I try my best to ignore her. I'm not really know her well, but I hope she's not gonna tell the other diva about this.

As we reach to my room door I stop and turn to facing Jon.

"Well I already here. Thank you for d-dinner!" I said try to breaking the silence. I still not daring to look into his eyes while saying it.

Then he put his finger at my chin and make me look at his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry if that kiss make you feel uncomfortable. I just can't control my though to... K-kiss you!" He confess.

"It's okay Jon. If I felt uncomfortable with it I would probably already push you off of me." I replied. As I finish my words I saw a smile/smirk in his face.

Fuck! What did I said just now? Did I confess I like that kiss? I bit my bottom lip after realise my words.

"Well I guess we can do this again next time. Second date maybe?" He asked.

"Maybe Jon. Maybe" I smile to him.

"So is this mean we..."

"We just dating!" I cut him off.

"Alright. I like that sound. You and me dating" he smile again.

"You should go back now Jon. Its getting late already. We both need a sleep since tomorrow were going to move to the next city"

"Okay then. Good night beautiful!" He said before pecking my lips then leave.

Once again I was froze for a while and I can feel my cheek was blush. Thank god he was already walk away. I make my way to my room and lay on my bed. I feel a little bit embarrass. But as I remember that kiss I start to smile like idiot. I'm dating dean? I asked my self. "Oh my gosh I'm gonna die!" I said while smiling.


I wake up to my alarm ringing. It was 8.00 am. My flight will be at 10. So basically I got 2 hour to get ready. I sit on my bed and start to recall about last night and remember Jon and the kiss and the we dating! Thing.

"Ugh!" I groan while get up to do my morning routine. As I finish brushing my teeth, I realise I still wearing Jon shirt. I smell it and it 100% smell like him. I can't stop my self from smelling the smell of him.

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