Chapter 20

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Kylie POV

As we reach Jon house, Jon rush entering the house.

"Where's she?" He asked Joe who is sitting at the living room.

"She's upstairs at her room with Colby" Joe explain. Jon make his way to her room before Joe stop him.

"Jon! I think she's need to cool down a little. Colby is taking care of her. After what happen tonight I think she's not ready to talk to you!" Jon looking at him confuse. I'm confuse also.

Joe explain where they had found her and about the guys that try to harassing her. I can feel Jon tensed up after hearing what Joe told us and I make him calm a little.

"I think we should let her rest Jon! You also need to calm your mind right now! I don't want you make this thing worst if you meet her in this condition"

He try to argue with me but I'm not gonna let him make this worst so I convince him until he give in before going to bed.

Dana POV

I wake up this morning seeing Colby asleep beside my bed. I recall the memory of last night and only remember few things since I was drunk.

I still feel very upset with Dean. I wish I wasn't here. Gosh I should go far away last night.

I went to the bathroom and clean myself before put a fresh clothes. As I enter the bedroom I notice Colby is up.

"Hey! How you doing?" He asked me in his sleepy voice. Boy that was hot! But I shook that thought away.

"I felt worst. This headache doesn't even help in this condition!" I replied him.

"Want me to grab you something to help you feel better?"

"No! Why you being nice to me!" I asked him with some kind of harsh tone and his face reaction change.

"Well... I'm sorry for being nice than!" He said before went to the door.

"Colby!" I stop him. "I'm sorry okay! There's just a lot things playing in my mind and I just...!" I lost words.

"It's okay! I'm still sorry though!" He said then leave.

Good! Now I just push someone who act like he care of me away. What a brilliant move Dan!

I continue lay in my bed staring at the ceiling for a while until I heard a knock. I don't answers it but the door went open.

"What? If you wanna argue bout yesterday I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood!" I told Jon.

He went sit at the end of the bed.

"Can we talk?" He asked almost like whisper.

"Aren't you just talking now!" I replied in harsh tone.

He lay beside me and staring at the ceiling like I does.

"I'm sorry if I make you feel like shit!" He started and I almost laugh listening to his words but I just try to keep my mad mode towards him.

This is the first time ever my brother apologize to me. I swear to you guys but he never act like this before even when he knows that he was wrong, he will never, ever, ever, like ever gonna apologize! I remain silent.

"I know I'm not a good brother to you. But I just trying to protect you you know?"

"Protect me? Really Jon? And how was you 'protect' me? By keeping me away from you and your friends? By saying I look hideous and no boy will wanna date me? Oh yeah right! You just trying to protect me! No big deal!" I said in sarcasm tone.

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