Chapter 25

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We were just finish each our match so now we sit at the catering alone.


"Hmm!" He replied.

"Would you like to join me go back my hometown next month?" I said to him nervously.

He look at me intensely.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nod my head.

"Of course I would love too!" He kiss me.

"I thought you will say no!" I confess.

"No babe! Ill do anything to make you happy!" He smile and I hug him.

"Lets go ask Hunter for an off day for next month!" I stand up and he follow me.


"After looking at the date you wish for I'm totally sorry but I only can give you guys 3 days off. We have so many coming on that week and I hope you understand that!" Hunter apologize.

"3 days is okay than nothing! As long as I got home during my cousin birth day!" I smile to him.

"If that was all, you guys can dismiss!" Hunter told us and we said our thank you before leaving him.

"So! How does it feel to finally meet my family?" I asked him.

"I don't know! I might be a little nervous!" He shrugs and I squeeze his hand to comfort him.

"It will be okay honey! I promise you!" I pecked his cheek and he smile brightly.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"I love it when you call me that!" He smile showing his dimples.

"What? Honey?" I asked again and he nod.

I barely call him with nick name like honey or babe because I used to call him Jon. While he like to call me that or sometime he even call me sweetheart, sunshine or love.

"Why don't you call me like that?" He asked.

"I don't know! Maybe I don't want to ruin your tough guy image in front of other!" I shrugs and he stop us.

"Babe! You know how much I love you! You can call me anything you want and I don't mind bout what other thinking okay?" He reassured me.

"Fair enough then. So what you prefer me to call you?" I tilted my head while my hands rested at his neck.

"Any name you want doll!" He smirk and I lean for a kiss.

I wake up and realize Jon wasn't beside me. I rub my eyes and saw a note at his bedside.

I'm going to the gym with Joe. Don't wait for me. Gonna be a long workout session. Ps I love you honey.


I smile looking at his messy hand writing. It was cute of him to inform me like that. But I hate it he doesn't give me a goodbye kiss.

I look at the clock and it was already 11:12 am. I really wake up late. I went to the bathroom and do my morning routine before heard the hotel door had been knocked. I wear my rob since I still wearing last night clothes which is only a bra and shorts short. I open the door and my eyes wide open seeing who in front of me.

"Jacob!" I almost squeal.

"You damn right cousy!" He said and I jump to him and hug him tightly.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've got business meeting here and know that you guys had live event last night so I asked the receptionist for your room after convincing me as your cousin!" He smile.

"Oh gosh! I can't believe this! It's been so long I we haven't seen each other! Come in!" I invite him in.

After chatting a little, we decide to grab a lunch together after I change my clothes.

I spend almost the whole day with him. We having so much fun. And this get me excited about planning his birthday party. I learn a little about what he would like to have as a birthday gift without his knowing and plan to buy it later.

As I realize it was getting late he send me back to the hotel before we said our goodbyes.

I know this is the shortest chapter I have ever write on this book 😀😀😀
And for you guys information, this book will come to and end in this few days. So I hope you guys enjoy read it as much as I enjoy writing it since it was my very first book I will ever finish 😀😀😀💪 thank you 😉

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