Chapter 9

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I was sitting at the catering with the other divas when my phone went off. I answer it without looking at the ID.

"Kylie speaking!" I said.

"Uhm. It's Jon" he inform me.

"Oh! Uhm... Why you call me?" I asked stuttering knowing it's him. Becky notice my expression change and smirk at me causing me to glare at her.

"I just want to ask you if you could meet me after Raw finish?" He asked me.

"Uhm. Yeah sure!" I answer him.

"I'll wait for you at the parking lot then!" He inform me. I said okay to him and exchange our goodbye. As I put my phone back at my pocket everyone seems to look at me.

"What? " I asked them.

"Is that him?" Becky asked and I just nod.

"Who's 'him'? " Brie air quote the him.

"Her's admirer. He had been send her roses and note everyday" Becky answered Brie with a smirk.

"Oh me gosh! Who is him?" Paige asked in her thick british accent.

"That's the problem was. She doesn't want to tell who was him." Becky frustrated. This girls start to asking me a lot of question already.  Gosh what should I do?

"Wait! If he send the note and roses everyday,  that's mean he is travelling with us right?" Ashley asked causing all the girls agreed with her. And once again i just nodded my head.

" is it Joe? " Becky asked.

"Hell in a million year no! That is someone else husband you idiot!" I start to mad.

"I'm just guessing since I saw you talk to him a lot!" She defended her self and I shook my head no.

"Stephen? " Nicky asked and i shook my head no again.

"Wade!" Brie suggest.


"Slatter?" Ashley added.

"Uh uh!" I shook my head.

"Zack Ryder?  Nick? Neville? Breeze? Cutis Axel?  Adam Rose?" Becky said in one breath.

"No,  no , no, no, no, and no!" I answer back.

"This is hard! Man what about John?" Paige added causing me to freeze for a while.

"Wait!  which Jon?" Ashley asked. "As it for John Cena, or the other 3 Jonathan? Good, Fatu or Eva Marie husband?" She added.

"Guys! Didn't I just made a point that I'm not into other people man just now!" I stated to them.

"At least Jonathan Good is single wasn't he?" Becky raised her eyebrows at me causing me to take a deep breath while looking at her.

"Ewww... Hell no it wasn't Dean Ambrose! Can you girls imagine the Mr Lunatic Fringe done such as a cute thing like that to her?" Brie stated. I wonder what she mean by that?

"Yeah you right. That Jon will be the last man in this company to do that to a girl. And when he does it, I will be dying to see it happen. I mean never in a million years he'll do that kind of romantic thing to girl." Paige said causing all the other girls nodded in agreement to her.

"Why did you said so?" I asked her.

"All I mean is he's not the romantic kind of guy and he is the kind of guy that like to messing around with a lot of girls. Beside I never saw him in a real relationship before" Paige shrugs.

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