Bucky Barnes - Far Too Young To Die Part 2

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Bucky Barnes x Reader PART TWO

This is the continuation of Far Too Young To Die, requested by marvels_agents100. In this, you aren't the person that died, you're someone completely different. Just to clear things up. I'm not sure how long this will be, I tried to put a little more backstory into it. Hope you enjoy! ^.^

"Buck, we need to talk."

Steve's voice tugged Bucky from his trance, his brown hair flying into his face as his head snapped up to meet the eyes of his best friend. Bucky's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he turned to sit crisscross on his bed facing Steve. The blonde haired super soldier walked into the room and shut the door behind him, taking a seat on the bed.

"Bucky, it's been three years..." Steve began in a whisper, and Bucky's expression hardened. The metal plates in his arm shifted as he clenched his fists. His eyes glossed over and his chest heaved slightly with each heavy breath.

"Steve..." He muttered a low warning, eyes dangerous as they gazed through his hair at the man sat in front of him. "Couldn't this wait?"

Steve sighed in exasperation. "Bucky, no. It's been waiting for three whole years. I know what she said to you before she died. I know what she made you promise. And I'm not going to sit back and let that promise go to waste. She cared about you, Bucky. So much. What do you think she would do if she saw you sitting around like this for this long?" Despite Steve's stern tone, his voice was still soft as he spoke to his friend. He had known Bucky for years, and he knew when he needed to tread carefully around him.

Bucky couldn't help the small smile that tugged at him lips as he thought about what your reaction would be. "She'd probably tell me to suck it up, get my crap together. She'd cross her arms and act all angry, she'd give me that glare that could even scare the pants off of me. Then she'd just smile at me, and let me know that it was okay, even if she was pretty mad at me." His voice was distant, and Steve felt a painful tug at his heart as he watched his best friend's eyes get lost in a sea of memories.

"Buck?" Steve poked his shoulder lightly, snapping him into reality once more. That had been happening more and more lately, Bucky allowing himself to sink into a place where he existed in his mind only. Steve didn't think much of it at first, but now it was time to bring him back. He had let him mourn, but he needed to begin moving on. "Bucky, we're going to a party tonight. It won't be anything big, I know you're not ready for that. Just a few close friends. I didn't let Tony get a hold of the invitations, but everyone else invited a couple people." Bucky glared at the wall behind Steve, clearly defiant to go to this get together tonight. Steve simply sighed, standing up and turning to open the door. "The party starts at 7, be ready by then. Casual."

With that being said, Bucky was left alone again. Alone with his thoughts, his memories, his silence. And at that moment, he realized that he was beginning the rough tumble into insanity. He had to get out.


"(Y/N), come on! Just for a few minutes! There will be snacks and cute guys and everything! Please?" Wanda's voice pleaded over the phone. You groaned, falling back onto your bed and running a hand through your hair.

"Wanda, I don't know... There's a marathon for (Y/F/S) on tonight, I don't want to miss it," you replied, desperate for an excuse. She let out a huff, and you could almost hear her crossing her arms across her chest, allowing her phone to float freely at her ear with her powers.

"I swear, all you do is go on your SHIELD missions then go home and watch that show," she muttered, and you let out a laugh. "What if we had the marathon playing? There are a ton of TVs in this place, we'll just take one over." She was almost as desperate as you at this point. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

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