TJ Hammond - Fears

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TJ Hammond x Reader

Requested by @LindaThetford , this is a reverse version of my TJ Hammond - Rainy Day oneshot, where TJ is scared of the storm and you comfort him this time. Sorry this took so long! <3 enjoy! (There is a mention in here about TJ thinking he shouldn't be scared because he's a man, and the reader's response makes it sound like he's the only boy in the relationship. This dialogue does not actually mean that TJ is the only boy in the relationship, that was not the intention behind it. Thank you!)

You had always loved thunderstorms. You loved everything about them, from the smells they spread through the air to the soothing white noise- like sound they would offer you. They created a perfect movie day setting so you could sit back and relax with a few blankets and a hot drink. Even the thunder brought you a feeling of comfort, reminding you that the sounds of the storm were always unique instead of a looped recording. Apparently, however, TJ didn't share your philosophy.

Your feet shuffled softly over the cold hardwood floors of the Hammond household as you walked across them. The pajama pants you were wearing actually belonged to TJ, so the pant legs went past your feet to protect you from the temperature of the floor. A blanket was draped around your shoulders and it dragged behind you like a cape as you made your way through the empty halls.

"TJ?" You called out, raising your voice a bit to speak over the sounds of the rain pounding against the sides of the house. Your eyebrows furrowed as a few moments passed with no response. You had walked around the entire house already and couldn't find any sign of him. Sure, it was a bit early, but TJ was usually up right after you, claiming that he couldn't sleep without you there.

You padded over to your shared bedroom door and slowly turned the knob and opened the door. You poked your head inside and called out to your boyfriend again. This time, however, your call was cut short by a violent crack of thunder outside. The room was illuminated in a bright light and you heard a small shriek from the large lump of blankets in the middle of the bed.

You dropped your blanket cape and rushed over to the bed. "TJ," you spoke softly. "TJ, is that you under there?"

A shaking hand emerged from the pile and tugged back the large comforter just enough for you to peek inside. TJ's frightened face stared back at you, his blue eyes wide and fearful. You tilted your head to the side and cast him a concerned look.

"Teej, what's wrong?" You asked, climbing onto the bed and laying down so he didn't have to move from his safe place to speak to you.

"I-I don't l-like storms," he mumbled in reply, his words barely audible over the raindrops pelting the window next to your bed. You smiled softly.

"Aw, I'm so sorry," you cooed. You shuffled around and grabbed the edge of the blanket he was sprawled out under before tossing it over your own head. TJ sat up with you, and you could see his frame shaking even in the almost pitch black space you were in. You fumbled with your phone for a moment before you were able to turn on your flashlight and place it on the bed so you could see. "You know," you began, "I promise the storm can't hurt you."

TJ huffed and shook his head. "I beg to differ. Storms take down houses all the time, so what's to stop it from getting us too?" He pointed out, his voice shaking with fear. 

"That's only in really bad storms, Teej. This is just a little one, I promise," you assured him. Luck wasn't quite on your side that day, though, and just as you finished speaking the entire house shook with the force of a large crack of lightning.

TJ squeaked in fright. He jumped as the thunder rumbled forcefully, and you quickly grabbed him and pulled his shaking body towards you. He scrambled to grab you and pull you into a tight embrace. His fingers gripped your shirt and every muscle in his body went rigid.

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