Bucky Barnes - Valentine's Day

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Bucky Barnes x Reader

Valentine's Day special for Bucky Barnes <3 enjoy!

Your eyes opened as you awoke from your slumber, an annoyed groan escaping your throat as you opened your eyes to an almost pitch black room, the moon barely clinging on to its reign over the sky. You reached your hands up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes before reaching over and feeling the other side of the bed. You stopped everything as you realized how cold the sheets felt, and how empty they were. Your hand slowly moved to uncover your eyes, and you turned to look at the spot where your boyfriend had been just before you'd fallen asleep the previous night. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You had never woken up without him unless either of you were on a mission without the other (which wasn't common, as Fury was aware that you were one of the two people that could calm Bucky down if he ever had a flashback to his days at HYDRA).

You threw the covers off of your legs and placed your feet on the floor. You grabbed your gun from your bedside table, walking slowly into the hallway. "Bucky?" You called quietly, not wanting to wake anyone still sleeping. You listened for any signs of movement as you approached a corner. When no unusual sounds reached your ears, you spun out around the corner, holding your gun steady in front of you. The barrel pointed at the ground and your finger wasn't resting on the trigger, but you knew you could point and shoot fast enough if someone were to jump out at you.

Your heart was pounding in your chest with every step you took, fear filling you at the thought of Bucky being in danger. You loved that man, and if anything ever happened to him you had no idea what you wou-

"Ah! Ouch! Crap!" A familiar voice hissed from the kitchen, followed by a loud crash. You jumped at the sound, rushing silently over to the doorway to the kitchen and peeking in. Bucky was stood in front of the stove, a frown on his face as he stared down at his right hand. His skin was bright red and a hot pan was laying on the ground in front of him.

"Buck? Are you okay?" You asked worriedly, taking long strides towards him. You sat the gun carefully on the counter and took his hand in yours. You inspected his wound carefully, furrowing your eyebrows. "How in the world did this happen?" You wondered aloud, leading him over to the sink and turning on the cold water. You tested it out with your own hand before holding Bucky's burnt fingers underneath the stream.

"Well, uh, I was trying to... I was trying to make you breakfast... But I grabbed the pan with the wrong hand. Sometimes I forget I only have one hand that doesn't feel things as well," he explained in embarrassment. You looked up at him, smiling lightly.

"You were making me breakfast?"

"Of course I was. You have to make breakfast for your best girl on Valentine's Day," he replied in an obvious tone. You chuckled a bit at this, shaking your head and turning off the water.

"Maybe you did in the 40's, but it's pretty rare to see that kind of stuff nowadays." You opened a cabinet next to the fridge and grabbed the first aid kit from it (you've had one there ever since Clint started a prank war and things started getting kind of ruthless). Your fingers easily found the cloth bandages and you began wrapping Bucky's hand, making sure it wasn't too tight.

"Really? Why's that?" He asked you, tilting his head to the side slightly. God, that was adorable.

"I don't really know. Chivalry kind of died off I guess. Usually on past Valentine's Days I would get taken out to Waffle House or something like that. I've never had a guy try to make me breakfast before," you commented, smiling as you worked.

"Wait, do guys not open car doors and pull out chairs and stuff anymore?" His tone was serious, and when you nodded in response, he huffed. "Are you kidding me? Steve and I didn't get iced for this crap..." He muttered in annoyance. You laughed a bit, securing the bandage and kissing his cheek. You smiled as his light stubble brushed against your face before pulling away.

"I'm sorry the world went to crap. I promise chivalry isn't completely dead, it's probably just hibernating for a little while. It'll be back." Bucky chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your hands went to his chest as you looked up at him. He leaned down, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

"I'm sorry I screwed up your breakfast, doll..." he said quietly, and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"You didn't screw it up, Buck. Come on, we can make breakfast together. It'll be fun!" You exclaimed excitedly, brushing stray pieces of hair out of his face when he pulled back. The corners of his lips turned up in a smile, and he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before you got started on making breakfast.

Honestly, you're not sure what you were expecting from the joint effort of a metal armed World War II super soldier and an undercover assassin from a secret organization specializing in protecting the world from aliens and enhanced creatures. You just knew that you weren't expecting to feel a glob of pancake batter hitting your back. And you definitely weren't expecting the colossal food fight that ensued directly following. But by far the most surprising result of your cooking adventure was the actually edible food that you ended up with. There were a few pieces of toast that were charred to the point that no amount of jam or butter or cinnamon sugar could ever mask it, but the rest of the meal was undeniably a big success.

So that's how you ended up in Tony Stark's ransacked kitchen while covered in various ingredients as you talked and laughed with a burnt super soldier with a raw egg dripping from his hair. You ate at a leisurely pace, not wanting this rare feeling of peace and tranquility to ever end. You were perfectly content with everything at the moment, the maple syrup coating your arm not even in the forefront of your mind. All that mattered was the man in front of you who was telling you some stupid knock-knock joke with a huge grin on his face. His white teeth were shining brilliantly even in the dim light of dawn. The light from the rising sun was streaming through the large windows of Stark Tower, illuminating Bucky in an almost celestial manner.



"You know that I love you, right?" You asked very seriously, pushing your plate to the side.

"Of course I do. I love you too," he replied simply, smiling. You shook your head, leaning forward and crossing your arms on the table.

"No, Bucky. I love you. As in you mean everything to me, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. I know you tell me all the time that I helped you find the right path to follow and I was the one to keep you in line, but I want you to know that you did the same thing for me. I was really doubting everything that I was doing before I met you, I wasn't sure if it was all worth the it. I wanted to quit SHIELD and go look for a normal job, one where I could try to meet somebody or find some friends that I knew had my back. Then you came along, and you were everything I needed all in one person. You saved me from a life of mortgages, student loans, and misery. So Bucky, when I say I love you, I really truly mean that I love you." Your little speech was something that even you were surprised to hear, as the words barely passed your brain before they were coming out of your mouth. You held your breath as you waited for Bucky's response.

The look of confusion on his face shifted into a small, thoughtful smile. He reached his hands out to grab your own, running his thumbs over the backs of your hands. "In that case, (Y/N), I love you too. So much. Okay?" He whispered, blue eyes watching you with an intensity that melted you. You gave him a smile, nodding. "Happy Valentine's Day, doll."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Buck."

Alright! That's the end of the Valentine's Day series, I hope you enjoyed that ^.^ I know it's not Valentine's Day just yet, but I thought I should post these a few days before so I don't forget. Thank you guys so much for reading! Leave any requests in the comments or send them to me in a private message! :)
Stay street, stay unlit, stay alive.

Currently working on:
~Bucky Barnes - Guardian Angel

~Sebastian Stan - Premiere

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